Monday, August 12, 2013

Obama very patient about gays being jailed, whipped, and stoned to death in many countries such as Saudi Arabia under Islamic sharia law

Obama has plenty of patience for punishment of gays under Islamic sharia law which in many countries such as powerful Saudi Arabia (#49) can include imprisonment and death by stoning. When did Obama suggest a world boycott of Saudi Arabian products or those of other sharia countries? The Muslim Brotherhood's Quradawi said being gay requires the death penalty.

8/11/13, "Exploitation: Obama's hypocrisy on the gays in Russia vs gays slaughtered under the sharia," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

"Russia is not mutilating and executing gays the way Muslim regimes do under the sharia. And Obama supports most vicious anti-gay regimes in the world. The gay community should be disgusted by such political exploitation. The Muslim Brotherhood's genocidal position on homosexuality is quite clear. Where is Obama's condemnation?"....

Additional citation:

8/8/11, "Controversial Muslim cleric again denied entry visa to Ireland,", Cathal Dervan, "Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi backs suicide bombers and proposes death penalty for gays"

"A leading Muslim cleric who advocates the death penalty for homosexuals and who has defended suicide bombers has been refused entry to Ireland....
He is currently banned from entering the USA and the UK as well as Ireland and now spends most of his time in the Middle-East state of Qatar where he is a regular guest on satellite broadcaster Al Jazeera.

The Islamic Cultural Centre in Ireland has refused to condemn Al-Qaradawi’s comments on suicide bombings or homosexuality.

Chief executive Dr Nooh al-Kaddo has confirmed to the Irish Independent that Al-Qaradawi’s foundation has its headquarters at the ICCI.

“The sheikh is widely respected and a “learned scholar. His views are representative of Islamic teachings and are not assumed to be a violation of same,” said Dr al-Kaddo."...

March 2013, Muslim Brotherhood objects to UN declaration calling for it to end violence against women and to grant equal rights to gays:
"Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood have claimed that a UN declaration calling for an end to violence against women will lead to the "complete disintegration of society"....

"In a 10-point memorandum, the brotherhood also criticised the declaration for granting women sexual freedom, allowing Muslim women to marry non-Muslims, granting equal rights to homosexual people, and allowing wives full legal rights to take their husbands to court for marital rape.

"This declaration, if ratified, would lead to complete disintegration of society, and would certainly be the final step in the intellectual and cultural invasion of Muslim countries, eliminating the moral specificity that helps preserve cohesion of Islamic societies," the brotherhood 's statement claimed."...

8/9/13, "76 Countries Where Anti-Gay Laws Are As Bad As Or Worse Than Russia’s," BuzzFeed, S. Jones
As President Obama said recently, “What’s happening in Russia is not unique.”

#49. "Saudi Arabia, Banishment, whipping, and death by public stoning."

"According to the 2013 ILGA report, “There is no codifed Penal Law in Saudi-Arabia. Instead, the country applies strict Islamic Sharia law. According to the interpretation sodomy is criminalized. For a married man the penalty is death by stoning, while the penalty for an unmarried man is 100 blows of the whip as well as banishment for a year. For a non-Muslim, who commits sodomy with a Muslim, the penalty is death by stoning. Moreover are all sexual relations outside of marriage illegal in Saudi-Arabia according to the Sharia law, including sexual relations between women.”"...

#9. "Brunei, Fine and imprisonment of up to 10 years"

"“Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman, or animal, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years, and shall also be liable to fine,” according to Chapter 22 of Brunei’s penal code, last revised in 2001."

In Nov. 2012 Obama gave $6 billion US taxpayer dollars to the Sultan of Brunei and the Pres. of Indonesia. Brunei is a Muslim Sultanate. If Obama cared about gays, why not reduce the gift to $1 billion?


10/15/2010, "Prince could face death penalty in Saudi Arabia," UK Independent

"A Saudi prince accused of murdering his servant could face the death penalty in his home country over his alleged gay sex life, a court heard today.

Homosexuality is illegal under Saudi Arabia's sharia law code, an Old Bailey jury trying Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser al Saud was told."...


9/14/10, "Gay Saudi diplomat: ‘My life is in danger’," Daily Caller, Chad Brady

"A ranking Saudi diplomat told NBC News that he has asked for political asylum in the United States, saying he fears for his life if he is forced to return to his native country.

The diplomat, Ali Ahmad Asseri, the first secretary of the Saudi consulate in Los Angeles, has informed U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials that Saudi officials have refused to renew his diplomatic passport and effectively terminated his job after discovering he was gay and was close friends with a Jewish woman."...


9/7/11, "Iran executes three men on homosexuality charges," UK Guardian,
"The three convicts were sentenced to death based on the articles 108 and 110 of Iran's Islamic penal code, for acts against the sharia law and bad deeds," the Isna agency quoted a judiciary official in Khuzestan as saying.
Iran Human Rights, an independent NGO based in Norway, said the men were charged with "lavat" – sexual intercourse between two men. It is not clear whether the three men were homosexuals or merely...accused of being gay....

Islam advises against execution during the holy month of Ramadan but capital punishments have again taken place since the fasting month came to an end last week."

8/9/13, Map from BuzzFeed


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