Friday, August 16, 2013

Newt Gringrich from the establishment RNC bully pulpit as usual sells the radical left agenda and mistakenly tells the world that Republicans have 'zero alternatives' for ObamaCare. Gingrich view destroys the GOP and the country-Rush Limbaugh

Old white man hack Newt Gingrich scolds from the RNC bully pulpit proving the GOP is desperate for their democrat pals to stay in charge:

8/15/13, "Why Let Democrats Set the Premise, Newt?" Rush Limbaugh transcript

"We don't need an alternative. I would say it's this kind of thinking that accepts every Democrat liberal premise that has resulted in this country being where it is. And it's in trouble, because the people that run the government cannot run an economy. You cannot pick winners and losers. You cannot make everything fair. You cannot oversee and manage outcomes....(parag. 8).

The idea that we have to have an alternative, it's what's dooming not just the Republican Party, but the country....(parag. 9) 

Why do we have to accept their claim that the health care system's broken?  They say it....They set the premise....In fact, the opening premise is the health care system's broken. I would submit to you, it's being broken.  I would much rather take the American health care system before Obama was elected than what we've got now. I mean, it's a no-brainer. But beyond that, there is an alternative. And you know what it's called? Free market. It's called free market entrepreneurial capitalism.  It's called as little interference from the government as possible. It's called the Constitution.

We don't need an alternative. I don't know where this thinking got started. But I know what drives it: the idea that Washington controls everything. Even conservative Republicans---Our side doesn't believe in the free market....They all are of Washington, with Washington as the center of the universe. Washington must always be doing something.  The people can't be trusted to do things. The market cannot be allowed to determine outcomes because the outcomes in the market are not fair. The outcomes in the market are unjust....

And it's not fair who wins. We can't let the market do it. We can't let a free society make decisions and let the fallout happen as it does. We have to manage it. We have to control it.  Washington, ruling class versus country class. There is an alternative. There's an alternative to the runaway budget. You know what it is? Freeze it. Freeze spending and even allow for inflationary levels for five to seven years. Just do that, and you would be amazed at the difference it would make in terms of the accumulation of deficits....

And there's evidence all over. I mean, this is ridiculous to have to even ask. I don't care whatever your favorite consumer product is, you ask yourself who did it, and under what circumstances, and I'll guarantee you the answer is never going to be the government did it. The government didn't build your iPhone or your Samsung Galaxy S4 or whatever....

When they get involved in this stuff, you have an absolute disaster.  You've got products that nobody wants that they have to be forced to buy that are outrageously expensive. You have people who have no expertise or experience in the industries they're trying to take over and run.  And they get away with it on the basis they've got big hearts and big compassion....

Liberalism doesn't work. Statism doesn't work. The Constitution does. The free market does. A free people will always come up with the best and the most practical and the cheapest alternatives.  ...This is not even arguable.  It's sad that it has to be argued, because it's not arguable. It's flat-out common sense....

So Newt's saying, "These Republicans, they don't have any ideas.  They don't have an alternative to Obamacare."  They damn well better not. The American people do not want to hear a Republican version of Obamacare. The American people don't want to hear a Republican version of state exchanges. 

The American people don't want to hear how the Republican Party is gonna make the exchanges work. The American people don't want the exchanges. The American people do not want a 2,200- page piece of legislation that gives the government all this power to ultimately decide who lives and dies by virtue of who gets treated because the costs are so outrageous that nobody can afford it ...

It really is frustrating. But we see in what Newt is saying here the Republican mind-set. What he's saying is, "We need our own alternative, and it needs to be optimistic and it needs to be of good cheer and we need to be nice and we need to be kind and we need to show compassion and we need our own idea." What we need to do is simply stop the Democrats in everything they want to do. That's the alternative. The alternative is denying them their premise. "Mr. Limbaugh, that sounds so obstructive.  It sounds so mean."  What do you think they do, Mr. New Castrati? What do you think the Democrats do? They know the game. They're playing the game. We're in politics. That's the business here. 

We're in the arena of ideas. The Democrats can't win the arena of ideas, and so they've chosen another route, and that is the suppression of ideas and the discrediting of anybody who has alternative good ideas. The Democrats are not open or tolerant to anything except their way. Why aren't we? And we all know the answers, 'cause they've done such a good job of making the Republicans look like the architects of gridlock, they're mean-spirited, they're racist, they're sexist, their bigot, they're homophobe, and the Republicans have gotta act like Democrats to make sure people like them because if they don't do that, they're never gonna win another election. And it's so wrong. 

The American people, it's out there in polling data, the American people do not want Obamacare, nor do they want an alternative of Obamacare. What they want is no Obamacare.  They want it yanked.  They want it defunded, repealed, whatever.  Sixty-two percent of the American people oppose the economic policies of the regime. What is the Republican Party doing?  On issue after issue, there is a giant majority waiting to be connected with....

This notion that we gotta have an alternative, that's what's killing us.  That's why we're all stagnating here. There's nobody stopping the Democrats. There's nobody stopping the liberals. There's nobody with a policy to just stop 'em. Not even slow 'em down. The policy is, how do we do what they do and be liked while we do it?  That's not gonna accomplish anything."


Rush Limbaugh link

Comment: Half of America isn't allowed to have a political party. The left is always allowed to have a political party. The last time the alleged GOP controlled all 3 branches of government, they were obsessed with trying to get democrats to like them, gave democrats back the House in 2006, destroyed the country, handed it over to the radical left, and on the way out the door freely admitted to choosing statist principles over the free market


Country Club Republicans have joined the Democrat Ruling Class:

2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes

"At the outset of 2013 a substantial portion of America finds itself un-represented, while Republican leaders increasingly represent only themselves. By the law of supply and demand, millions of Americans, (arguably a majority) cannot remain without representation. Increasingly the top people in government, corporations, and the media collude and demand submission as did the royal courts of old. This marks these political orphans as a “country class.”"...


1/12/2009, "Bush the pre-socializer: “I readily concede I chucked aside my free-market principles”," Michelle Malkin

"Some of us knew what we were getting with George Bush long before he was “chucking aside his free-market principles” and forking over billions in tax dollars to failing private companies and failing public education."...


The President of the Wetumpka, Alabama Tea Party told a Beltway Congress who couldn't give a damn in June 2013:

"I’m not here as a serf or a vassal. I’m not begging my lords for mercy. I’m a born free American woman, wife, mother and citizen and I’m telling my government that you’ve forgotten your place, Gerritson said."... 

6/4/13, "Wetumpka Tea Party leader says what IRS did was 'un-American',", Kim Chandler

"The president of the Wetumpka Tea Party got emotional as she told a congressional panel how her conservative group faced delay and an onslaught of intrusive questions when they sought tax-exempt status from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.

“This was not an accident. This is a willful act of intimidation to discourage a point of view. What the government did to our little group in Wetumpka, Alabama is un-American,” Becky Gerritson, Wetumpka Tea Party president said during congressional hearings aired on C-SPAN.

She was among the leaders of several conservative groups that testified before the House Ways and Means Committee on the IRS scandal."


"Becky Gerritson of the Wetumpka, Ala. Tea Party testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, June 4, 2013, before the House Ways and Means Committee hearing with organizations that say they were unfairly targeted by the Internal Revenue Service while 
seeking tax-exempt status." AP




In June 2007,  Peggy Noonan said George Bush #1 and #2 had destroyed the Republican Party. Her own separation from the recent Bush admin. began in Jan. 2005:

6/2/2007, "Too bad," Wall St. Journal column by Peggy Noonan:

What political conservatives and on-the-ground Republicans must understand at this point is that they are not breaking with the White House on immigration. They are not resisting, fighting and thereby setting down a historical marker -- "At this point the break became final." That's not what's happening. What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them. What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition. This is sad, and it holds implications not only for one political party but for the American future."...


12/23/12, WSJ: Obama told Boehner if no agreement is reached he’ll use inaugural/SOTU speeches to blame Republicans

(No surprise).

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