of the most malignant consequences of Republican betrayal of Tea Party
exertions in 2010 has been its effect on conservative citizens' morale.
Nothing is more dispiriting than being played for a sucker."
8/18/13, "What Has Mark Levin Wrought?" American Thinker, James V. Capua
"In The Liberty Amendments Mark
Levin has delivered more than advertised. He promises a credible agenda
for reinvigorating constitutional government based on an approach to
the amendment process which
avoids the liabilities of better known options. What he delivers,
though, is a vast, potentially game-changing political arsenal that can
be drawn upon by everyone from had-it-up-to-here Tea Partiers to
Republican candidates at least sentient enough to know they need
something more than budget and deficit talk. Want to tell Karl Rove that
he and his white board have had their day? Want alternative arguments
for attempting to convince wooden-headed Republican campaign
contributors that they need to improve their selection standards? Want
to find a framework to create a working political alliance between
Conservatives and Libertarians for 2014 and 2016? Want a positive agenda
to undergird a primary purge of inert Republican officeholders?...
To a dispirited and increasingly hopeless people
he urges, essentially, "Put not your trust in Reinces," and shows
us, chapter and verse, how our salvation lies in our own hands....Meanwhile, the only response from the Republican
cucumber sandwich crowd this summer has been to chow down on greasy
Jersey Shore fare and to select, of all places, Romney's home state as a
venue for their own version of The Biggest Loser. .
of the most malignant consequences of Republican betrayal of Tea Party
exertions in 2010 has been its effect on conservative citizens' morale.
Nothing is more dispiriting than
being played for a sucker. How then to
rouse conservatives for the next battle? What about a principled yet
tangible agenda that transcends the candidate and facilitates building a
winning coalition? "Trust me; I'm a constitutional conservative," or
"I'm a businessman and know how to create
jobs," are not enough to cut it anymore. Dead-end distinctions -- he's a
Libertarian; he doesn't like the Flat Tax; she changed her mind on
abortion; he's great on individual freedom but wobbly on national
defense, etc., will never produce a governing majority, and are perfect
tools for the Legacy Media to lever apart the opposition.
The Liberty
Amendments offer a vehicle for creating a diverse
restoration coalition, outside of the parties, but without actually
attempting to replace one, with a common allegiance over and above
policy notions and politicians' beloved "plans" to help single-parent
families with children between the ages of seven and thirteen. Imagine
the result -- candidates for all levels of office, from local to
national, endorsing, to coin a phrase, fundamental transformation, a
transformation, moreover, for which the medium -- primarily state and local action --
is also the message. Of course, with success, subsequent governing will
require specific policy debates, but these now would have to proceed
within the framework of common principle --- an interesting prospect
indeed -- policy horse trading among freedom
advocates. Liberty Amendments
Coalition debates would also have a salutary effect upon political
language, for example "Citizen" would have to be restored to its primacy
of place ahead of the socio-economic, ethnic, and interest group
categories that now dominate political discourse. In all, a vast
improvement over the internal Republican "debate "on "comprehensive
immigration reform" with its creation of a new form of performing art --
the kabuki circus.
can quibble, consultants can deprecate, performing TV monkeys can
misunderstand or distort, but Mark Levin has released a powerful idea
into the wilds of American politics and it
will be fascinating to see
how it develops. For our sakes, let's hope it prospers."
Comment: Remembering Andrew Breitbart makes it easy not to quit.
Added: The GOP are Vichy. Some Tea Party people decided to be co-opted by Vichy. No more tears, no more thinking. No different than Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Below, scenes from "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," 1956, wherein everyone is forced to be alike. Kevin McCarthy and Dana Wynter try to escape.
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