Friday, August 2, 2013

John McCain says the Tea Party is damaging the GOP!

8/1/13, "GOP: The party of ingratitude," Washington Times, Judson Phillips

"Tuesday night on Fox News, in a rare interview, Rush Limbaugh said the Republican Party establishment does not like the tea party because they cannot control the tea party. 

The Republican ingratitude towards the tea party gets even worse. John McCain, in an interview reported on yesterday in The Washington Times, said the tea party was damaging the Republican Party.

Maybe the Republican Party needs some damaging. Perhaps it is time to remind McCain of a little history.

In 2006 and 2008, under the leadership of John McCain and the Republican establishment, the GOP was on the political endangered species list. We could compare the Republicans in those elections to General Custer at Little Big Horn, except Custer fared better than the Republican Party.

Then came 2010 and the tea party movement. The Republican Party not only picked up the majority in the House of Representatives, but the election saw the largest shift in seats in Congress in the last 100 years.

Sane people would have been grateful for what the tea party did. But no one ever said the Republican leadership is sane. Instead of expressing gratitude for the tea party movement, in 2012, they all but banished the tea parties.

The tea parties were not even mentioned at the Republican Convention. Mitt Romney was the anti-tea party candidate.

And look what happened. Many members of the tea party stayed home and President Obama, who should have been easily defeated, instead got a second term.

No one has ever accused McCain of being the sharpest knife in the drawer, but perhaps the Republicans should look at history. In three of the last four elections, the Republicans embraced the establishment over conservatives or the tea party and what happened? The GOP got killed in those three elections. Only in the election where the Republicans embraced the tea party did the GOP see anything that approached victory.

If it were not for the tea party movement, the Republican Party would be totally dead.

How does the Republican Party show its gratitude?

The tea party has an agenda. It is fairly simple. The tea party wants Obamacare defunded.  The tea party wants spending cut. The tea party opposes amnesty. 

How is the Republican Party thanking the tea party for its support?

Spending under Speaker John Boehner is greater than it was when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker. Boehner and the GOP have surrendered time after time on spending and the debt ceiling. Instead of seriously trying to do something about Obamacare, they have repeatedly passed meaningless resolutions they knew would accomplish nothing.

Now RINOs like McCain, “Bailout” Bob Corker and “Liberal” Lamar Alexander are actively working against any effort to defund Obamacare as a part of a continuing resolution to keep the government funded.

When the Republican Party decided it wanted to be Democrat-lite, the conservative base, before the tea party came into being in 2009, decided to stay home. If the Republican Party wants to be simply liberal-lite and ignore the conservative base, conservative have proven they will simply stay home.

What would happen if you gave a political party and no one showed up to vote? If the Republican Party does not change its attitude and start embracing a tea party agenda, it is about to find out." via Lucianne


Comment: I don't agree that Tea Party people stayed home. We all voted for Romney. A lot of people did stay home who might have at one time voted for people like Reagan or Ross Perot, but the TP majority is the only reason the Republican Party had any life at all in 2012 or any time after Nov. 2008 for that matter. The GOP had no intention of winning that election. The GOP/Bush crowd/Fox News mgmt. has merged with the democrats. Their goal was and is to defeat the TP wherever possible. We're now told Romney desperately didn't even want to run in the first place. Andrew Breitbart, I know you're following all this. I'm so sorry we haven't done better. Not that we're getting any help from the people running your website. Ugh. Establishment sellouts who throw us a bone now and then, but thrilled to be part of the establishment. Meaning radical left democrat. So nothing's about to change. The GOP was dead after Nov. 2008 and they didn't even care! They have zero ideology, don't give a damn about the country. All they care about is controlling the financial apparatus of national elections. The US is supposed to be a 2 party country, with checks and balances. The GOP doesn't want that. The GOP has made the US a one-party country. There are some TP'er's who allow themselves to be co-opted by GOP hacks. They think they've arrived. Have fun over there.

P.S. Please excuse bright white background behind this post. It was put there by hackers from google.

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