Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bloomberg News incites racial hatred and prejudice across America, incites hatred of America around the world with story and headline, 'House Republicans Set to Defy Obama are Mostly White Men'

8/3/13, "Bloomberg Plays the Race Card,"  Ed Driscoll, PJ Media

8/1/13, “House Republicans Set to Defy Obama Are Mostly White Men,” “reports:”

"The core group of Republicans who are pushing the House toward a showdown with the White House over the debt ceiling and government spending is made up of 41 members — all white men except for two.

More than half are from Southern states, their average re-election vote was 65 percent and most have served for fewer than five years in the House."

As opposed to the man in the White House whose reelection vote was 51.1 percent, and who served in the Senate for about two years before devoting all of his efforts towards hitting the national campaign trail.

In other words, it’s come to this: apparently having exhausted its supply of “unexpectedlys” whenever there’s bad economic news to report in Mr. Obama’s America, runs the above disgusting headline. In the past, the only color that fiscal policy had was green — the color of both money and the eyeshades of legend worn by the men in DC who control the nation’s purse strings.

But as President Obama’s palace guard seeks to defend four and a half years of his failed economic policies, the nation’s economic policy itself is now racialist; a development that Holman Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal anticipated last month, when he described the how the left and the MSM (but I repeated myself) had a collective racial meltdown in the wake of Detroit’s bankruptcy:...

And now the president’s palace guard. But doesn’t Bloomberg know that fellow leftist Jon Stewart announced that their race card is now officially as bankrupt as both Detroit and increasingly, the Federal government, way back in 2010?" via Lucianne


Comment: Billionaire Michael Bloomberg owns Bloomberg News. He's closely involved with all his businesses. This story wouldn't be running were not Bloomberg himself a hate mongering, America-hating racist.


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