Sunday, July 21, 2013

US gov. knows coal use is booming around the world, that no global warming has happened for 15+ yrs., that even if it had US didn't cause it because US CO2 has plunged, but criminal US gov. uses $630,000 taxpayer dollars to fix non-existent CO2 warming terror via the CIA

7/19/13, "Asian Coal Use Grows Despite Gas Challenge," Wall St.. Journal, by Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen

"Sometimes dismissed as the dirty fuel whose day is nearly over because of environmental concerns and ballooning output of cleaner-burning gas, coal is on a roll in Asia, with governments across the region ordering new coal-fired power stations."...


7/21/13, "CIA Backs $630,000 Scientific Study on Controlling Global Climate," Mother Jones

"The Central Intelligence Agency is funding a scientific study that will investigate whether humans could use geoengineering to alter Earth’s environment and stop climate change. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) will run the 21-month project, which is the first NAS geoengineering study financially supported by an intelligence agency. With the spooks’ money, scientists will study how humans might influence weather patterns, assess the potential dangers of messing with the climate, and investigate possible national security implications of geoengineering attempts."...via Junk Science (Mother Jones appears to be subscrip.)


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