7/26/13, "Guest Post: How The Establishment Will Attempt To Bring Down The Liberty Movement," Zero Hedge guest post, Brandon Smith
"How does one destroy an idea? Further, how does one destroy the
truth? Corrupt governments have been struggling with this dilemma since
men wore loincloths and worshiped fire. Fortunately for those of us in
the “lower strata” of social organization, honorable ideas and indelible
truths have a life of their own. Even when a culture as a whole remains
oblivious and unguarded, the facts tend to rise to the surface one way
or another. The reality which elitists at least partly
understand, is that the truth cannot be destroyed, but it can be
forgotten, at least for a time....
Oligarchs and tyrants still attack the foundations of natural law and
natural liberty by conning the public into believing that these
inherent belief systems are “antiquated” or “passe”, but this strategy
has a limited effect as long as strong freedom champions exist. Liberty
based movements and organizations are often tenacious, intelligent,
socially savvy, and much more willing to sacrifice themselves for their
cause than the enemy is willing for his cause. The truth, when wielded
by formidable warriors, rolls forward like a high velocity electric
Because of this dynamic, criminal governments and their puppeteers
have taken a simpler path, moving to cripple and defame the speakers of
truth in a manner that they hope will stain and sully the truth itself.
In the past decade, the Liberty Movement has grown beyond all
expectation. Millions of people have been jolted from their intellectual
sleep to discover a nation and a world on the brink of economic,
political, and moral collapse. They have seen beyond the veil. They have
been disgusted. And now, they are preparing to fight back. Among those
with open eyes are certain standouts; those individuals and groups who
were railing against the establishment and its maniacal methods long
before it was fashionable. These men and women are leaders, in the sense
that they are teachers rather than managers. They do not control the
movement, but they do INSPIRE the movement. It is the most dedicated and the most uplifting of activists that the
system tends to target in order to demean the core strength of the
overall movement and tarnish its reputation.
A recent and malicious example is the subversive electronic planting
of false evidence in an attempt to connect organizations like Oath
Keepers, We Are Change, and PANDA to illicit and illegal pornographic
materials: (video at link)
This is only one method of attack in the arsenal of slander and
destabilization, and while the culprits behind the action are not yet
known, the strategy is very similar to government run demonization
campaigns of the past (just read up on the history of Cointelpro). The
following is a list of tactics commonly used by governments to divide
activist groups, reduce their momentum, or cripple their image in the
public eye...
Image Destruction
To stop good men from doing good things, you can kill them, but this
is messy and creates many questions. If possible, it is better to simply
damage their public image as “good men”. That is to say, if you make
good men criminals in the eyes of the public, then no one will ask
questions when you use force against them later. The sad reality is,
many people WANT to believe the worst in others.
Much of humanity is
infected with apathy, compliance, and nihilism. They live empty lives
pandering like beggars for scraps from a soulless system. They claim
they want to believe in honor, courage, and clarity, but when confronted
with a person who actually exhibits these qualities in abundance, they
secretly feel ashamed of their own inadequacies....
Make The Legal Appear Illegal
The following video was discovered within the DHS/FEMA HSEEP website
archives. It portrays an imagined scenario using fictional news footage
in which “militia members” are raided by federal officers under the
guise of stopping terrorism: (video at link)...
Scatter Gun False Flags
Large scale complex false flag operations used to be a tried and true
fallback for despotic regimes (I recommend deep study into the exposure
of Operation Gladio for a greater understanding of how False Flags
function). Lately, though, intricate false flags seem to be backfiring
on the establishment. The Boston Marathon Bombing did produce an
opportunity to test run large scale martial law tactics in a populated
area not seen since Katrina, but the event was incredibly sloppy.
Americans are at least partially suspicious of the nature of the attack
and the government response, including the fact that the two main
suspects were longtime FBI informants.
False flag events will certainly be used against the Liberty
Movement, but I believe this will be done using multiple smaller scale
attacks with less players involved, like a spray of shot from a scatter
gun. The "crazed constitutionalist gun-nut" fantasy will be trotted out
over and over again in random shootings, bombings, cop killings and so
on. The media will make it seem as though stepping outside of your home
is certain death by way of "right wing extremism". Targets will be
random and unassuming, giving rise to fears that anyone, no matter where
they live, could be next....
Good Guys And Bad Guys
In order for any government or corporate aristocracy to take control
of a culture, it must first assert itself as relevant. It must at least
appear useful to the people, so that it can gain their support. As long
as the state is viewed as the “bad guy” in the public mind, there can be
no dominance. A new bad guy must be engineered, and who better to
present as the great villain than your most effective political
[Ed. note: Translation: The Tea Party. The entire Beltway establishment is fixated on silencing the Tea Party. You may recall the IRS scandal. The Tea Party was no threat to the democrats but was a mortal threat to the GOP. A lot of Tea Party people have fallen for the GOP's co-opt effort. They think they've arrived. The Bush crowd and Fox News are a much worse enemy to right of center Americans than any democrat.]
(continuing]: "There will come a time in the near future when the demonization
campaigns of the DHS or the SPLC today will seem like a cakewalk. Count
on it. The best our movement can do for now is to expose each misstep of
the establishment, and continue to weaken their position. Every time we
call out a propaganda initiative, or derail it in advance of its
inception, we reduce THEIR public image, and cement our own.
It's a bit ironic, but usually what evil men want most is to be seen
as saviors; as guardians and protectors. They want to be seen as
benevolent knights in shining armor coming to rescue the poor oblivious
multitudes. When any information war hits it's climax, the goal of
either side is to maintain the moral high ground. We already have it,
and thus, they have to take it. How they will seek to do this is at once
predictable, and horrifying." image of flag in wire via zero hedge
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