Monday, July 1, 2013

NOAA scientist disputes Mayor Bloomberg, says 2012 Sandy storm likely due to natural causes and not man-caused excess CO2 or global warming-Dot Earth

Andrew Revkin 10/28/12 post about Sandy Storm includes response from NOAA scientist Dr. Martin Hoerling stating Sandy was likely due to natural causes and not excess CO2:

10/28/12, "The #Frankenstorm in Climate Context," Dot Earth, NY Times, Andrew Revkin

"8:11pm Update"

"Martin Hoerling, a meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration focused on the forces influencing extreme weather, sent this note:

"Great events can have little causes. In this case, the immediate cause is most likely little more that the coincidental alignment of a tropical storm with an extratropical storm. Both frequent the west Atlantic in Octobernothing unusual with that. On rare occasions their timing is such as to result in an interaction which can lead to an extreme event along the eastern seaboard. As to underlying causes, neither the frequency of tropical or extratropical cyclones over the North Atlantic are projected to appreciably change due to climate change, nor have there been indications of a change in their statistical behavior over this region in recent decades (see IPCC 2012 SREX report).""


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