Tuesday, July 30, 2013

If Eric Cantor had relatives, they might be illegal Jewish immigrants who were strangers in a strange land, homeless, and needing amnesty

7/29/13, "SCHMUCK: Eric Cantor Pimps Judaism for Immigration Amnesty," DebbieSchlussel.com, By Debbie Schlussel

 "It’s official: Eric Cantor is a pimp. He’s pimping my religion to push immigration amnesty and the further destruction of America. Cantor is yet another RINO-JINO (Republican In Name Only-Jew In Name Only) who needs to drink a nice tall glass of STFU juice. 

Speaking to a typical liberal Jewish group, Cantor ingratiated himself by using the embarrassing, fallacious, tired, old, hackneyed BS constantly spouted by only the most far-left, self-hating “rabbis” in pushing amnesty: that the Jews were strangers in a strange land (something constantly pushed by Islamo-pandering Rabbi David Nelson of Detroit), that they were homeless and stateless from the land of Israel while they were slaves in Egypt. Blah. Blah. Blah. STFU. (I hate linking to or using anything from the liars at Breitfraud, but in this case, they are the only source.)

I am both a first-generation Jewish American and a fourth-generation Jewish American. On my father’s side, my great-grandparents and grandfather (and his two brothers) came to America around the turn of the century to escape a life of anti-Semitic persecution in Poland. My paternal grandmother came here to escape a life of poverty on a rural Polish farm so she could be raised like a daughter by my retired, successful shoe store entrepreneur great-uncle Chaim and his wife, my great-aunt Rose, who could not have children. On my mother’s side, she and my grandparents came to America after my grandparents survived the Holocaust and she was born in Bergen Belsen, which was then a displaced person’s camp. Every single one of my relatives who came to America did it the right way.

All of my relatives came here legally. They did not sneak in through desert borders or waterways or someone’s ranch in the shadow of night. They came here with papers and went through immigration personnel and authorities. My relatives–once they were here–did not go on public assistance, demand bilingual education, ask America to pay for them to give birth to and then feed their kids. They didn’t ask for free healthcare and portable phones on everyone else’s dime, either. Nope. My family members, who spoke no English, had no money, and came here with nothing, went to work. They taught themselves to read and write and they attained skills and created businesses. They became productive and educated Americans, all legally and all without taking a dime from Uncle Sam.

How dare that jerk, Eric Cantor, compare my family’s hard work and sacrifices, my family’s complete abidance by the law, their legal entrance, with some scumbag named Mohammed whose parents came here illegally on a visitor’s visa and never left. How dare he. But he did it. Like a typical liberal Jew–and make no mistake about the phony “R” after his name; Eric Cantor is a liberal–he actually compared productive generations of great American Jews who came here the right way, the proper way, the hard way, who contributed great things to America . . . to drug smugglers, terrorist wannabes, welfare queens, and other malefactor illegal aliens....

American Jewish immigrants who–throughout American history–made this country great are nothing like the lowlife criminals to whom you now want to open the floodgates of America.

With “Jews” like Eric Cantor, who needs Muslims?" image of Eric Cantor from DebbieSchlussel.com

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