Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Goldman Sachs takeover of world banking complete, Mark Carney at Bank of England rounds out Goldman triumvirate, Dudley at NY Fed, Draghi at ECB-Zero Hedge. Carney 'no Elliott Ness,' Taibbi

7/1/13, "The Goldman Takeover Is Complete: A Glimpse Inside The Bank Of England Where Mark Carney Is Now Presiding," Zero Hedge

"Back in April 2012 we first suggested - to loud jeers by the "pundits" who were convinced there is no chance in hell of it happening - that Goldman's take over of the world's central bank triumvirate: the NY Fed (Bill Dudley), the ECB (Mario Draghi) and the Bank of England, would soon be completed with Mark Carney taking over the world's oldest central bank located on Threadneedle street. Today, this process has concluded and we have photographic evidence.

Behold Goldman's Mark Carney attending his first BOE Monetary Policy briefing (don't miss Michael Cross, Head of Foreign Exchange, and Executive Director for Markets, of Fleecebook fame sitting on the lower left). [solo shot of Carney follows]: "


photos from Zero Hedge


11/27/12, "Mark Carney: The Goldman Sachs connection," UK Telegraph, R. Blackden

"Mr Carney spent 13 years at Goldman, joining after he graduated from Harvard, and worked for the bank in London, Toronto, New York and Tokyo. His appointment cements Goldman’s reputation as a bank whose reach extends into the highest echelons of central banking and government.
Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, was a Goldman Sachs partner and Mario Monti, the Italian technocrat prime minister, was formerly an adviser to Goldman.

The bank’s reputation really took hold when George W Bush picked Hank Paulson, Goldman’s former chief executive, as his Treasury Secretary in 2006."...


12/6/12, "Matt Taibbi: Mark Carney Just 'Another Goldman Creature'," Huffington Post, D. Tencer

"Matt Taibbi, the Rolling Stone finance writer who rose to fame with his description of Goldman Sachs as a “vampire squid,” set his sights on Mark Carney in a blog post Thursday.

Clearly, Taibbi is no fan of the current Bank of Canada governor and soon-to-be Bank of England governor.

Carney is no Elliott Ness, brought in from the outside to clean the streets of Chicago,” Taibbi wrote. “Instead, he's another Geithner-esque character who will almost certainly prefer a hands-off regulatory approach....”

Taibbi added: “He'll likely be another central banker in the mold of Ben Bernanke, who's used endless rivers of cheap loans and money-printing programs like Quantitative Easing to keep floating corrupt banks all night long, for as long as they want to keep playing the roulette table.”...

He (Carney) caught more than a few people by surprise last year when he described the Occupy Wall Street movement as “entirely constructive.”"...


Below, Goldman Sachs, masters of Eurozone, map from UK Independent, 11/18/11:

Nov. 18, 2011, "What price the new democracy? Goldman Sachs conquers Europe," UK Independent, Stephen Foley 


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