Monday, July 29, 2013

Advice of National Review geniuses is no longer needed, thanks anyhow-Kuznicki

The best efforts of National Review geniuses saw both the GOP and the country destroyed during 8 years of George Bush simplifying the radical left takeover for at least half a generation. NR management has proven very helpful to the radical left.

7/28/13, "Ponnuru and the rest of the capitulation experts can pound sand. DEFUND!" Jen Kuznicki

"Ramesh Ponnuru offers his criticism of the plan to defund Obamacare in a recent posting in Bloomberg.  He is telling Republicans to “drop” the plan to defund Obamacare, because he believes it will backfire....

What the American people do not need is one more Princeton elitist National Review capitulation expert to point out that there are more Democrats in the Senate than Republicans.  No shit, Sherlock. ...

Given the height of discontent, the highest numbers against the law, and the highest numbers who want it to wither unfunded, Republicans have a chance to rally their fractured base.

The right framing of the debate can happen, now that we have articulate Republican Senators who garner massive media attention to put pressure on Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans who flip off their base.  Never forget that Cap and Trade was stopped in the Democratic-led Senate proving they do listen to their core constituencies.

So, let us stop this attitude that the numbers aren’t on our side.  The argument is largely superficial. For once, allow the Republican party to represent the will of the American people....Let Obama shut down the government, and risk default....

Ponnuru goes on to write that there are five reasons why Republicans would be blamed
for the inevitable shutdown....

Number one, let’s discuss why Republicans are less popular than Democrats.  It is, without question, because of their surrender-monkey tendencies.

To consider Ramesh’s second point, one would have to forget that British might did not win the Revolutionary war.

His third point is very telling.  Mr. Ponnuru must believe most people paying attention to politics in an off-election year are rooting for more government control.  The opposite is true, and just like we told the Republicans in the House during the ’11 battle, they have the chance to unify their ranks, at least for one issue, and it is a huge issue.  Besides that, in previous shutdowns, the Republicans were bashed in the press, but it did not lead to massive losses, it led to more seats in the Senate, which we desperately need.

Number four on Ponnuru’s list is troubling. When has a Republican ever said that a shutdown and default is what the country needs? It won’t hurt the country as much as allowing Obamacare to march on will, but stating that fact is not the same as saying the country ‘needs’ a shutdown and a default.  I find his rhetoric here lacking in thoughtful consideration. 

The fifth point about the media being the tank for the Democrats is a big ol’ freaking duh.  But, a successful counter to the media is a vocal and articulate united Conservative mantra coming from both houses and the people of the States.

The rest of Ponnuru’s piece is... that he wants to concede some points that de-funders have, but states predictions based upon previous reactions to Republican cave-ins.  The Republican party has not taken a real stand on crippling Obamacare, so his arguments and predictions are based on jack....
As for how we get these squish Republicans to see the light, I suggest letting the Oklahomans take care of Coburn and Cole, and let the Kentuckians take care of McConnell, and let every last Republican and Democrat know the will of the people through the power of direct contact, leaving no doubt as to what they are expected to do.

Enough of this giving in before trying routine that Ponnuru and others have become experts at."


In June 2007,  Peggy Noonan said George Bush #1 and #2 had both destroyed the Republican Party, that since at least 2004 the grassroots had more than ample reason to leave the Bush crowd, that her own separation from the Bush admin. began in Jan. 2005:

6/2/2007, "Too bad," Wall St. Journal column by Peggy Noonan:

"What political conservatives and on-the-ground Republicans must understand at this point is that they are not breaking with the White House on immigration. They are not resisting, fighting and thereby setting down a historical marker -- "At this point the break became final." That's not what's happening. What conservatives and Republicans must recognize is that the White House has broken with them. What President Bush is doing, and has been doing for some time, is sundering a great political coalition. This is sad, and it holds implications not only for one political party but for the American future.

The White House doesn't need its traditional supporters anymore, because its problems are way beyond being solved by the base. And the people in the administration don't even much like the base."...


Comment: The GOP was actually dead after the Nov. 2008 elections and deservedly so. Nobody was even bothered about it. The GOP had no ideology. It wasn't the slightest bit concerned about the country. If NR had been concerned about the country, it had plenty of time to try and convince the GOP to change their behavior. NR wasn't calling for something like the Tea Party to come along and save the country. The only reason NR's pals in the GOP even roused themselves from lobbyists' offices was to defeat the Tea Party. Which brings us to today. Without the Tea Party, what is happening now in the Senate v ObamaCare wouldn't be happening. NR wouldn't have occasion to comment about it because it wouldn't be happening. Meaning, criminal, top down Soviet/Euro style death of America would be breezing along. All because George Bush was so bad that the House of Representatives had so few GOP members from 2009-2011 that a procedural trick could be used to steal an entire country.

NR management has done nothing but advance the radical left for over a decade. It has a few good people like Mark Steyn. Readers might think, gee NR management must be really good if they have people like Mark Steyn. 

NR does nothing to stop us from being forced into massive, organized crime infested, European style mob rule which on top of everything else is loaded with meddling, elitist monarchies that jet set around to global warming meetings, planning for decades in minute detail for the annexing of a gold mine, the ordinary American, who is no longer governed by people he elects. The people we did elect were criminals who sold us out like slabs of beef. How many Americans have died to save us from this? Apparently not enough. Does this sound serious to you yet?

The GOP House could've defunded ObamaCare every day since January 2011 but it refused to do so. NR comes in at the 11th hour with chit chat about political parties. More aid and comfort to the left. Take a hike, NR. Get lost. Go on one of your stupid cruises. Saving this country is all that matters. How we'll do that is a separate subject.


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