Monday, June 17, 2013

Sarah Palin says notions of 'fertility' shouldn't be priority in US immigration policy, certainly not ahead of families who follow the law

6/15/13, "Palin Slams Gang of Eight, Warns of ‘Perhaps Armed IRS Agents’ Implementing Obamacare," NRO, Trinko

"Sarah Palin pushed back against Jeb Bush’s argument that decreased fertility rates in the United States meant that immigration reform was necessary.

“I say this as someone who’s kind of fertile herself,” the mother of five told attendees at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference today. “I don’t think that’s where we want to go in deciding how will we incentivize the hard-working responsible families who want to...follow the law and become Americans versus those whose very first act on our soil is to break the law. “

During his speech at the same event on Friday, Bush had said that “immigrants are more fertile,” and noted that the United States was not replacing its population quickly enough.

Palin also derided the Gang of Eight’s proposal. “Let’s not kid ourselves in believing that we can rebuild our majority, by the way,” she urged, “by passing a pandering, rewarding-the-rule-breakers, still-no-border-security, special-interests-ridden amnesty bill.”

Palin harshly criticized the government over the slew of recent scandals, saying that “in Benghazi, the government lied and Americans died.” She also warned about how the Obamacare implementation would necessitate swelling the IRS’s ranks, saying the government would be “hiring up to 16,000 to 20,000 perhaps-armed IRS agents to implement this act.”

She gave a shout-out to Senator Ted Cruz, whom she enthusiastically endorsed last year, saying that Congress would be better if it went on “cruise control – Ted Cruz control” for a week.

Palin announced her opposition to intervening in Syria at the current time, saying, “When both sides are slaughtering each other as they scream over an arbitrary red line ‘Allah Akbar,’ I say until we have someone who knows what they’re doing doing, I say let Allah sort it out.”

She also deplored the fact that the U.S. is “becoming a totalitarian surveillance state.”" via Free Republic


Ed. note: So one of Jeb Bush "solutions" is eugenics. He wants us to move along and let younger masses from other countries in here. Masses who accept criminal, rapacious governments as a fact of life and don't interfere.

6/14/13, "Jeb Bush: Immigrants ‘more fertile’ and create more businesses than native-born Americans," AP via Washington Post


Autumn, 2006: "Hispanic Family Values?," Heather Mac Donald, City Journal, "Runaway illegitimacy is creating a new U.S. underclass."

"Nearly half of the children born to Hispanic mothers in the U.S. are born out of wedlock, a proportion that has been increasing rapidly with no signs of slowing down. Given what psychologists and sociologists now know about the much higher likelihood of social pathology among those who grow up in single-mother households, the Hispanic baby boom is certain to produce more juvenile delinquents, more school failure, more welfare use, and more teen pregnancy in the future.

The government social-services sector has already latched onto this new client base; as the Hispanic population expands, so will the demands for a larger welfare state. Since conservative open-borders advocates have yet to acknowledge the facts of Hispanic family breakdown, there is no way to know what their solution to it is. But they had better come up with one quickly, because the problem is here—and growing.

But it’s the fertility surge among unwed Hispanics that should worry policymakers. Hispanic women have the highest unmarried birthrate in the country—over three times that of whites and Asians, and nearly one and a half times that of black women, according to the Centers for Disease Control."...via Mark Levin


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