6/19/13, "Limbaugh Rips GOP For Being ‘Embarrassed’ Of Its Base: ‘Republican Party Is Hanging By A Thread’," MediaIte, Vamburkar
"On Wednesday, Rush Limbaugh revisited his earlier remark about
the Republican Party being embarrassed of its base. In an argument
pegged off the immigration reform debate, Limbaugh said the GOP is
“hanging by a thread,” willing to sacrifice a few more elections due to
losing its base.
“People have said the country is hanging by a thread,” Limbaugh
noted. “Well so is the party. The Republican Party is hanging by a
Some do realize it, he added, pointing to the idea that “they’re
embarrassed of their base and wouldn’t mind at all if the base left the
Republican Party, even if it meant losing a couple of elections.” It’s
either embarrassment or dislike, he said, describing the “caricature” of
the “gun-toting, shotgun-shooting, tobacco-spitting crowd.”
They wouldn’t be bothered if that crowd that makes up the base left
them, the radio host reiterated. But there’s one problem with that: Who
will make up for them? If they think the Gang of Eight immigration bill
will pick up the slack, Limbaugh said, “they have got another thing
“You cannot out-liberal a liberal,” he stated emphatically. Listen below: (at link)" via Free Republic
Above referenced segment from original transcript:
6/19/13, "Will Becoming the Face of the Gang of Eight Sink Marco Rubio?" Rush Limbaugh transcript
(about 1/2 way down pg.): "The one thing I know is where you all are on the Republican Party
today. You know, people have said the country's hanging by a thread. Well, so is the party. The Republican Party is hanging by a thread. In
fact, some actually do know it, and I think this whole notion that
they're embarrassed of their base and wouldn't mind at all if the base
left the Republican Party even if it meant losing a couple of elections,
I think there's that element in the party. Don't doubt me on that, by
the way. They're either embarrassed of the base or they don't like the
base, you know, the caricature, pro-life, gun-toting, shotgun-shooting,
tobacco-spitting crowd, that's the base. They wouldn't be embarrassed, wouldn't be bothered at all if that
group of people said, "To hell with you. We're leaving, man." Even if
it meant losing a couple of elections. But the Republicans can't afford
any defections because they don't have any people that are gonna make
up the slack. And if they're thinking this Gang of Eight bill is gonna
pick up the slack for whatever base they lose, they have got another
thing coming. That's just not in the cards because, as I explained
yesterday, you cannot out-liberal a liberal."...
Comment: It's more about them than us. The GOP wants to be democrats, likes the same things democrats like, which is fine. Let them be democrats. They won't do that. They like that government is now so big they can scorn us as flea-bitten subjects:
In 2011 at one of lowest points in US history, GOP says they're fine with democrat policies:
2/10/2011, "Issa 'wouldn't feel bad' if Obama reelected due to strong economy," The Hill, by Michael O'Brien
It wouldn't be the worst thing in the world for President Obama to
win reelection, one of his top Republican critics said Thursday....
I certainly wouldn't feel bad if Americans were working again, and
he did get another four years."...
"My goal is to strengthen the president," Issa said Thursday....
GOP owes Obama big time because he helped them beat the Tea Party:
12/8/12, Obama re-election helped GOP House Speaker Boehner: NPR
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