Saturday, June 29, 2013

Obama CO2 plan merely leveling the energy playing field with Europe-Gosselin

6/26/13, "Obama Is Merely Leveling The Energy Playing Field With Europe – Declares An End To Cheap American Energy," P. Gosselin, NoTricksZone

"Europe tells America: please repeat our blunders

Creating high prices for fossil fuels is only one component in “leveling the energy playing field”. Europe also expects America to repeat its renewable energy folly as well. America too must have a truly shoddy patchwork of inefficient and unpredictable renewable energy sources, like wind and solar, and an unstable power grid. Only this way can the playing field between America and Europe truly be level. European companies will then surely think twice about moving their operations to the USA.

Declaration of war on blue-collar workers

Ironically not long ago the stated objective of western politicians was to generate prosperity for its citizens. Today it’s precisely the opposite. Obama’s plan is nothing less than an assault on American industry and millions of blue collar workers." via Climate Depot


Comment: It won't be news to many blue collar workers that neither political party cares about them. A study of Nov. 2012 election results found 6.1 million "downscale, blue-collar whites" who voted for Ross Perot stayed home:

6/21/13, "The Case of the Missing White Voters, Revisited," Real Clear Politics, Sean Trende

"The most salient demographic change from 2008 to 2012 was the drop in white voters....

These voters were largely downscale, Northern, rural whites. In other words, H. Ross Perot voters....
As I noted, they tended to be downscale, blue-collar whites. They weren’t evangelicals; Ross Perot was pro-choice, in favor of gay rights, and in favor of some gun control. You probably didn’t know that, though, and neither did most voters, because that’s not what his campaign was about.

His campaign was focused on his fiercely populist stance on economics. He was a deficit hawk, favoring tax hikes on the rich to help balance the budget. He was staunchly opposed to illegal immigration as well as to free trade (and especially the North American Free Trade Agreement). He advocated more spending on education, and even Medicare-for-all. Given the overall demographic and political orientation of these voters, one can see why they would stay home rather than vote for an urban liberal like President Obama or a severely pro-business venture capitalist like Mitt Romney."...


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