Sunday, June 23, 2013

April 2007 US Supreme Court EPA CO2 case specifically states it addresses only 'new motor vehicle' and 'new engine' emissions. It says nothing about power plants, coal mines, industry, hospitals or anything else

The April 2007 US Supreme Court 5-4 decision allowed the EPA to regulate emissions from new motor vehicles and engines and said nothing about coal plants, power stations, or anything else. Justice Stevens writing for the majority conveyed his belief in those who said a rise in human caused CO2 "has coincided" with a rise in global temperatures and that the former caused the latter. Justice Stevens cites the UN throughout as substantiation for his views. Unfortunately, for Justice Stevens, global CO2 and global temperatures have long ago stopped "coinciding." In 2013 the UN IPCC climate chief said global temperatures paused or stopped rising 17 years ago. Global CO2 hasn't "paused" coincident with the "pause" in temperatures. Justice Stevens built his decision on a mistake. Although US CO2 has plunged, CO2 outside the US has continued to rise. Justice Stevens begins speaking of 'global warming,' then of "new motor vehicles:"


"A well-documented rise in global temperatures has coincided with a significant increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Respected scientists believe the two trends are related. For when carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere, it acts like the ceiling of a greenhouse, trapping solar energy and retarding the escape of reflected heat. It is therefore a species—the most important species—of a “greenhouse gas.”

Calling global warming “the most pressing environmental challenge of our time,1 a group of States,2 local governments,3 and private organizations,4 alleged in a petition for certiorari that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has abdicated its responsibility under the Clean Air Act to regulate the emissions of four greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide.
Specifically, petitioners asked us to answer two questions concerning the meaning of §202(a)(1) of the Act:

whether EPA has the statutory authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from new motor vehicles; and if so, 

whether its stated reasons for refusing to do so are consistent with the statute."...
Justice Stevens cites the UN as an authority on the idea that CO2 rise causes dangerous temperature rise. He describes the origin of the UN IPCC, says it led to the 1992 UN Rio convention where Pres. Bush #1 signed the UNFCCC agreement:

 Subhead: I, parag. 7

"Meanwhile, the scientific understanding of climate change progressed. In 1990, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a multinational scientific body organized under the auspices of the United Nations, published its first comprehensive report on the topic. Drawing on expert opinions from across the globe, the IPCC concluded that “emissions resulting from human activities are substantially increasing the atmospheric concentrations of … greenhouse gases [which] will enhance the greenhouse effect, resulting on average in an additional warming of the Earth’s surface.”12
Responding to the IPCC report, the United Nations convened the “Earth Summit” in 1992 in Rio de Janeiro. The first President Bush attended and signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), a nonbinding agreement among 154 nations to reduce atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases for the purpose of “prevent[ing] dangerous anthropogenic [i.e., human-induced] interference with the [Earth’s] climate system.”13 S. Treaty Doc. No. 102–38, Art. 2, p. 5 (1992). The Senate unanimously ratified the treaty."...


In subhead I, parag. 2, Stevens quotes EPA language pertaining to "new motor vehicles:"


Subhead I, parag 2

"“The [EPA] Administrator shall by regulation prescribe (and from time to time revise) in accordance with the provisions of this section, standards applicable to the emission of any air pollutant from any class or classes of new motor vehicles or new motor vehicle engines, which in his judgment cause, or contribute to, air pollution which may reasonably be anticipated to endanger public health or welfare … .”7"


Justice Stevens noted the field of climate science was an emerging one. He might agree that in a new science, 6 years is considerable time. Much of what's known today wasn't known 6 years ago, or at least hadn't stood the test of time and forged a new consensus.


Subhead 1, parag. 4

"When Congress enacted these provisions, the study of climate change was in its infancy.8"...


2/21/13, IPCC Head Pachauri Acknowledges Global Warming Standstill,” The Australian, Graham Lloyd  

"The UN’s climate change chief, Rajendra Pachauri, has acknowledged a 17-year pause in global temperature rises, confirmed recently by Britain’s Met Office, but said it would need to last “30 to 40 years at least” to break the long-term global warming trend."...


Latest global CO2 emissions:

6/10/13, "US Carbon Dioxide Emissions Fall as Global Emissions Rise,", Paul C. 'Chip' Knappenberger
"Notice that the U.S. is far and away the leader in reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, while China primarily is responsible for pushing global CO2 emissions higher. In fact, CO2 emissions growth in China more than offsets all the CO2 savings that we have achieved in the U.S."


Chart from IEA report, p. 2 


11/29/12, 134 scientists write to UN Sec. Gen., ask him to desist from blaming climate disasters on global warming that hasn't happened: "Global warming that has not occurred cannot have caused the extreme weather of the past few years."


"Fig. 1. Monthly global
atmospheric CO2"

8/16/12, "Power companies plan to retire 175 coal-fired plants over the next five years [by 2017]. That could bring coal's CO2 emissions down to 1980 levels."...

8/16/12, “AP IMPACT: CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low,” AP,
Kevin Begos

In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years and government officials say the biggest reason is that cheap and plentiful natural gas has led many power plant operators to switch from dirtier-burning coal.

Many of the world's leading climate scientists didn't see the drop coming in large part because it happened as a result of market forces rather than direct government action against carbon dioxide."...


US 2012 weather extremes due to natural causes, not global warming, per NOAA
4/12/13, "Study Reveals Global Warming Not To Blame For Last Year’s Crippling Drought," with AP
"A new federal study reveals that global warming is not to blame for last year’s extreme drought that crippled the central Great Plains. The study conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Drought Task Force places the blame on natural variations."... 


$18.5 billion worth of climate regulations were issued in 2012 alone. Without congress. "The vast majority of “laws” governing the United States are not passed by Congress but are issued as regulations."

"In 2011, the US Congress passed a total of 81 new “laws” while government agencies issued 3,807 new regulations." So you see, congress is irrelevant.

More Obama executive action: 6/12/13, "Obama Quietly Raises ‘Carbon Price’ as Costs to Climate Increase," "Buried in a little-noticed rule on microwave ovens is a change in the U.S. government’s accounting for carbon emissions that could have wide-ranging implications for everything from power plants to the Keystone XL pipeline. The increase of the so-called social cost of carbon, to $38 a metric ton in 2015 from $23.80, adjusts the calculation the government uses to weigh costs and benefits of proposed regulations. The figure is meant to approximate losses from global warming such as flood damage and diminished crops." 


"It makes little sense for advanced countries to take on policies that hurt their own economic growth if environmental benefits are unattainable. Western countries are digging ditches, only to see them filled up by emerging countries following up from behind."...

5/8/13, "Jack Mintz: Canada unfairly Gored," Financial Post opinion

"Carbon emissions coming from the emerging countries swamp trends from advanced countries in North America and Europe. China alone has increased carbon emissions by almost 60% from 2005 to 2011....


7/22/12, "The Cost Of Government Regulation: $1.75 Trillion," Zero Hedge

"In the US, the federal government lists its regulations in what is called the Code of Federal Regulations. These rules of the economic “game” cover 169,000 pages and more than ten new ones are added every day, seven days a week and 365 days a year. In 2011, the US Congress passed a total of 81 new “laws” while government agencies issued 3,807 new regulations."


News of US CO2 plunge has been described as:


US climate "action" was mandated decades ago:

Global Warming ‘action’ was mandated and institutionalized in US government in 1990 by George Bush the 1st in theU.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990.CO2 reduction is mentioned near the end in Sec. 204, item 4.
Devoting 13 federal agencies to ‘climate’ matters is hardly lagging in “action.”
Trillions have been taken from US taxpayers for climate endeavors via agency budget allocations, tax subsidies, diversion of US military to climate or green projects, countless federal regulations, vast sums shipped out in no strings foreign aid for ‘climate’ capacity building, etc.

Other countries’ CO2 hasn’t dropped despite hundreds of billions spent on cap and trade and extra taxes. This isn’t to say the US government hasn’t become business partners with the ‘climate’ industry. 

Obama 'climate action' in Nov. 2012  included giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars for 'clean energy' to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars and to the Pres. of Indonesia, whose country is so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs.  

Below, one of the Sultan of Brunei's cars:


  7/24/12, "The Sultan's Cars," wheel to wheel blog. 


6/20/13, "The Economist on The New Republic on the ‘pause’," Dr. Judith Curry, 


A May 2013 CBO report commissioned by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Ca.) states US on its own has little effect on global climate:

p. 14: "Acting on its own, the United States could have only a modest effect on the amount of warming."

May 2013 CBO report,"Effects of a Carbon Tax on the Economy and the Environment


The May 2013 Waxman commissioned report also says further US CO2 reductions will be meaningless, that global emissions won't improve without significant reductions from countries like China and India (page 14, left column), and that any further US CO2 reductions:

p. 14, "would be offset by increases in emissions overseas—."...


6/14/13, Non-peer reviewed California billionaires have more to say about CO2 than scientists do.


Comment: Not mentioned in the Supreme Court case is that the UN has major financial interest in promoting CO2 terror. Without a big scare, there is less reason to collect billions of no-strings US taxpayer dollars.


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