Monday, May 13, 2013

Tsarnaev clan had lots of EBT cash withdrawals, who knows the US taxpayer could have paid for the pressure cooker and nails

5/12/13, "Food Stamps - They're Not Just For Porn Anymore," Mark Steyn, National Review

"In Massachusetts, where last year the Governor vetoed efforts to prohibit food stamps being used for pornography, piercings, tattoos, guns, manicures, etc, they’re now trying to discover whether the Tsarnaev brothers used them to pay for the Boston Marathon bombing:
A mountain of new welfare records shows numerous EBT card cash withdrawals made by the Tsarnaev family, but so far there is no information about how terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev and others may have spent the money.
The EBT receipts were handed over by the state to the House Post Audit and Oversight Committee as part of its probe into the Russian family’s $100,000-plus taxpayer-financed life in the Bay State. The committee met yesterday behind closed doors to review Medicaid and welfare awards…
The purchases show specific stores, but not the items bought. But further details could be available to investigators.
I began my book America Alone with an Arnold Toynbee quote: “Civilizations die from suicide, not murder. Paying Islamic terrorists to blow you up is more like assisted suicide. Cheaper than going to a Swiss clinic, although somewhat bloodier." via Free Republic


5/10/13, "State records show Tsarnaevs quick to grab EBT cash," Boston Herald, Dwinell

"The committee’s request for financial aid records from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth — where marathon bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, was a sophomore flunking some classes and owing a reported $20,000 — was rejected, the Herald learned. Federal officials have forbidden the school from releasing any records publicly."...


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