Thursday, May 16, 2013

To Bill O'Reilly and Bernie Goldberg, it's not true at all that the GOP establishment hates Obama. They like him very much and like big gov. as much as he does

5/14/13, "Bernie Goldberg To O’Reilly: Obama Could ‘Literally’ Cure Cancer And GOP Would Still Hate Him," MediaIte, Josh Feldman

"And while Goldberg differed with O’Reilly on the latter’s insistence that the AP monitoring story is not a scandal, he agreed that conservatives are too obsessed with tearing down Obama, saying that the president could cure cancer and the GOP would find a way to avoid giving him credit."...


Comment: I'm not sure whom Bernie and Bill are referring when they speak of "conservatives," but my comment is as follows: If they mean someone like Sean Hannity, he doesn't count. He's a performer. When it matters most he defends the GOP establishment, Karl Rove, etc., which is worse than promoting democrats. It should go without saying that if these guys are talking about Karl Rove, he's like the rest of the Bush crowd, meaning he has no ideology except that he was always for open borders. Rupert Murdoch understands Rove is key to making sure democrats stay in power so he gives him the Fox News bully pulpit. Rove certainly degrades the GOP brand every time he opens his mouth. The establishment GOP, Rove and the others that destroyed the country, won't leave the public stage. They sit on Fox News as the apparent face of the GOP but most of them are only there to help the democrat party and make sure the Tea Party doesn't gain traction. They want the same things democrats want. If they slam Obama, it's for show. If Bernie and Bill mean Republicans in the Beltway who refer to themselves as conservatives, my experience is these people such as Boehner like Obama very much and would like to give him whatever he wants. The occasional anti-Obama loony phrase thrown out by people like Mitch McConnell is strictly to try and fool conservatives into thinking he's on their side. His actions scream the opposite. All the GOP cares about is silencing the grassroots which they do by keeping Democrats in charge. If any elected Beltway types or pundits claiming to be conservatives are in fact slamming Obama, it's mostly for show.


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