Friday, May 31, 2013 is actually a GOP co-opt group that neutralizes the TP v the establishment. It 'organized' an April 2013 closed door 'tea party' meeting in the House, and is doing one for the Senate in July 2013. The group is pals with Grover Norquist and CPAC

5/30/13, "Tea party organizers look to Senate," Politico, Tarini Parti

"The leader of the House Tea Party Caucus, Rep. Michele Bachmann, may have announced her retirement, but organizers of the caucus say the tea party presence in Congress is far from dead. In fact, it’s expanding to the Senate, POLITICO has learned.

TheTeaParty.Net, one of the largest tea party groups in the country, which organized the House caucus meeting last month, will host its next meeting on the Senate side in July.

The group plans to invite all Republicans in the upper chamber instead of limiting it to those supported by the tea party.

“What we’re going to put on in July in the Senate is going to be unprecedented,” said Niger Innis, chief strategist of the group.

It’s unclear what role Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) will play at the meeting. At a recent press conference on the IRS targeting tea party groups, Bachmann called Paul “the chair of the Tea Party Caucus in the U.S. Senate.”

An official Senate Tea Party Caucus does not yet exist, and Paul’s office did not respond to requests for comment on whether he would lead the meeting, but he did not dispute the title at the time. Innis said that although the group is disappointed to see Bachmann leave Congress, her retirement will not affect the House group....

Roughly 20 House Republicans attended April’s closed-door caucus meeting led by Bachmann, along with staffers from nearly 40 congressional offices, including those of Paul and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Bachmann, facing investigations and a tough reelection race, announced early Wednesday that she would not seek a fifth term. Her retirement follows the departure of other tea party favorites — former Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.), who lost his seat in the 2012 election, and Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.), who left to run The Heritage Foundation." via Lucianne

================================= is exposed along with its pals CPAC, Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan. Following are 9+ links explaining plus some financial information from the group's website:

A conservative blogger in early 2011 reports this is a FAKE Tea Party group:

4/5/11, "Evidence mounts is a FAKE,"
conservative outlooks blog



More on from 2011:

4/29/11, Tea
is a big supporter of CPAC, whose abject failure is one of the reasons the real Tea Party was born  


Fake TP group thinks Norquist and CPAC are the greatest: 

3/8/13, "When Bloggers Attack: John Hawkins Takes A Dive for Grover Norquist," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller


3/8/13, " wins CPAC 'People's Choice Award' but is barred from receiving it (updated with response)," American Thinker, Thomas Lifson


ACU and CPAC are establishment GOP groups that scorn and laugh at the real Tea Party. Norquist is a CPAC board member

4/14/11,"ACU’s Cardenas Questions Tea Party’s Grasp Of Principles,", Tom in Florida

2/14/11, "Rush: 'Tea party was under assault at CPAC',"
World Net Daily, Drew Zahn


2/11/12, "The American Conservative Union: neutralizing the conservative movement," Jim Lampe, 


The fake TP group even sponsors a CPAC cruise with Norquist among featured passengers: 

7/27/11, "ACU and Announce Two New Speakers for CPAC Alaskan Cruise"

======================== FEC records show this self-proclaimed TP group took in over $1 million and gave almost none of it to federal Tea Party candidates in 2012:

" Leadership Fund"
2012 Total Receipts: $1,021,463

Total spent: $795,347

Contributions to federal candidates: $12,500 


Electioneering, communication expenses, by targeted candidate: $182,673 

Signed by Treasurer Ron Dove 5/2/12 (Ron Dove is also Treasurer of


Location: WASHINGTON, DC 20003
Industry: Republican/Conservative
Treasurer: BACKER, DAN MR. ESQ.
FEC Committee ID: C00520825

(Look up actual documents filed at the FEC) "



SUITE 2109


From regular website:
"About us"

" is a division of Stop This Insanity Inc. and is a national non-profit 501(c)(4)
organization created in 2009 for the education and advancement of the constitutional conservative values of the Tea Party movement.
6. " is a major sponsor of the CPAC convention every year in Washington D.C. This sponsorship enables us to connect the Tea Party movement with our conservative legislators in Washington."...
Continuing from their website:

8. "We have a full-time Washington D.C. representative with the connections and relationships there."...  

[This representative is Donna Wiesner Keene, wife of lobbyist and former CPAC president David Keene (now Pres. of NRA).]


9.'s website says it gives to "ACU and CPAC

But ACU and CPAC are dedicated to eliminating the TP and conservatives.


Again from  website:

16. " employs two "Freedom Lobbyists" who work with the Tea Party Caucus in Congress to pass legislation in line with the core values of the Tea Party movement."...
On 1/4/13 trumpets hiring 3 new lobbyists as the "first ever" but the group has previously had two paid "Freedom Lobbyists" working with congress on supposed TP issues, per item #16 above from their website. Following is the 1/4/13 press release:

"Grassroots group forms first ever Tea Party advocacy group, including former Congressman J.D. Hayworth, conservative activists Niger Innis and Bob Adams, to push for smaller government on Capitol Hill"
Washington D.C. - "The nation’s largest Tea Party group announced today the creation of its new advocacy arm — the first of its kind. With over 600,000 members and over 1.3 million supporters on Facebook, TheTeaParty.Net has been a leading opponent of any legislation that increases taxes or raises the debt, including this week’s deal on the fiscal cliff....

" is a national non-profit 501(c)(4) organization created in 2009 for the education and advancement of the constitutional conservative values of the Tea Party movement."
8/14/11, Todd Cefaratti says used to be a PAC but isn't anymore. Apparently changed their minds by 2012.        
Norquist is a CPAC board member

2/14/11, "Rush: 'Tea party was under assault at CPAC'," World Net Daily, Drew Zahn

"Talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh, himself considered a conservative icon, blasted this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference for drowning out tea partiers and those concerned with social issues, lamenting, “That’s not the CPAC that I’ve always thought of or known.”

Saying he was concerned that “I might just drum myself out of a movement,” Limbaugh blamed the “ruling class” at CPAC for missing the message of the 2010 election, namely that there is “an

unmistakable conservative ascendancy happening in this country,”

evidenced most prominently in the tea-party movement.

But at CPAC, you didn’t get the impression here that there was a conservative ascendancy going on. 
You had a lot of people saying, ‘We gotta do something about that faction,’” Limbaugh said on his program today. The tea party was under assault in its own way at CPAC. And you in the tea party understand full well 

the ruling class is not happy with you.

And it was clearly obvious.”...

"Does the left ever hold a convention and say, ‘You know what, we gotta get rid of the Huffington Post people,’ or ‘We gotta deemphasize the Daily Kos?’ Does the left ever do anything it does to appeal to its enemies?”"... 
More on GOP co-opting, an early tea party activist who mailed tea bags to congress and pres. says tea party movement has been hijacked by GOP. GOP 'has stolen anger of a population' fed up with GOP theft of their tax money, funneling it to Wall St. and electing cronies:

10/20/10, "To The Tea Party: Go Screw Yourself,"

(Video of Karl Denninger MSNBC interview with Dylan Ratigan previous night)....
"Why I and others led people to mail tea bags to Congress and our President in the first place: rampant theft of over taxpayer money propping up FAILED private businesses.  

"Tea Party" my ass.  This was nothing other than  

The Republican Party stealing the anger of a population that was fed up with  

The Republican Party's own theft of their tax money at gunpoint to bail out the robbers of Wall Street
and fraudulently redirecting it back toward electing the very people who stole all the ****ing money! ...

The Tea Party was and is about the the corruption of American Politics and the blatant and outrageous theft from all Americans that has resulted.  It is about personal responsibility and enforcement of the law against those who have robbed, financially raped and pillaged the nation.

Yet today we hear literally nothing about these issues among the so-called "Tea Party" candidates and their backers."...


Ed. note: This isn't the only fake TP group.


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