Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Obama 'non-profits' rake in millions but do they get 88 page questionnaire like Wetumpka Tea Party of Alabama did?

5/14/13, "The other IRS scandal: O’s nonprofit pals," NY Post, S. Walter

"* When Organizing for Action submitted its request a few months ago to be a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt group, just like the Wetumpka Tea Party of Alabama, did it receive an 88-page questionnaire in return? Did IRS agents in Cincinnati, Washington and California demand it turn over its list of donors?

* Enroll America started as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt group in 2010, the same time conservative groups began to face obstacles to IRS recognition. What information did it have to provide? Did anyone ask about its board chairman, Ron Pollack, whose own Families USA nonprofit was intimately involved in passing ObamaCare — a law that helped the group’s revenues soar from $4.3 million in 2010 

to $11 million in 2011?

Politico reported these ties months ago. Has any IRS official shown an interest? The Politico article began, “Several former White House staffers have found a new way to promote ObamaCare: They’re spending millions in secret corporate and union cash, and they’re harnessing grass-roots tactics to some of the biggest names in the health-care industry.”"...


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