Wednesday, May 29, 2013

More roving Minnesota Somali gangs randomly attack lone, defenseless individuals

5/28/13, "Police: Joggers Attacked At Random In Fridley,"

"Police are looking for as many as six or seven Somali men after two joggers were randomly attacked in Fridley.

Authorities said two joggers were the victims of what are being labeled as random attacks on Saturday at 3:30 p.m. and 3:50 p.m.  The joggers, both men, were on a path near East River Road and 37th Avenue NE when the attacks took place.

Police said one man suffered a bloody nose in the attack and the other has a sore throat. Authorities said these attacks were not robbery attempts and that the suspects randomly approached them and assaulted them.

Authorities said the suspects are described of a group of six to seven Somali men, but did not have any more information.

Anyone with information about the incidents is asked to call Fridley Police." via Atlas Shrugs


5/28/13, "Minnesota: Muslim Mobs Randomly Attack Joggers," Atlas Shrugs, Pamela Geller

"These attacks by Muslim gangs continue to increase as Muslim immigration increases. Muslim Gangs in Minnesota Grow More Dangerous.

Muslim attacks target gays, women, etc. We see a concentration of these Muslim attacks in gateway cities where large Muslim populations are settled under the Refugee Resettlement programs
Our organization, AFDI, has called for:

-- deportation hearings against non-citizens who promote jihad in our nations.

-- an immediate halt of immigration by Muslims into nations that do not currently have a Muslim majority population. 

-- AFDI calls for laws providing that anyone seeking citizenship in the United States should be asked if he or she supports Sharia law, and investigated for ties to pro-Sharia groups. If so, citizenship should not be granted.

-- AFDI calls for the cancellation of citizenship or permanent residency status for anyone who leaves the country of his residence to travel for the purpose of engaging in jihad activity, and for the refusal of reentry into his country of residence after that jihad activity."

[Here is currently working link to 2011 AP story "As Somali gangs evolve, so does enforcement,"]


7/25/12, "Minnesota Sheriff Reports to Congress on Growing Somalia Gang Threat in Hennepin County," CNS News, Starr


11/8/10, "Indictment: Somali gangs ran sex ring in 3 states," Minnesota Public Radio, Aslanian, Yuen


2/6/11, "As Somali gangs evolve, so does enforcement," AP via USA Today

"The girl was 12 when the gangsters told her the rule: They would sell her for sex to men outside the gang, but members of the Somali Outlaws or the Somali Mafia would use her for free.

For more than two years she was taken on "missions" to abandoned garages, men's bathrooms, apartments and hotels, enduring hours with multiple men so gang members could get money, pot or booze. Though her mother confronted two of the men twice early on and warned them the girl wasn't even 13, they continued to prostitute her.

Eventually some of the gang members took her on the road to new customers in Nashville, Tenn., while the man she called her "boyfriend" allegedly used a cellphone to send images of her engaging in sex acts with men in the car along the way."...


From Atlas Shrugs, 3/12/11: Muslim Gangs in Minnesota Grow More Dangerous:

"Reader KF sent this, "Minnesota used to be a friendly, safe slice of middle America. Minnesotans are generally welcoming and accepting people. The vibe has changed though. Now cities from Minneapolis to Rochester, have begun to resemble something a little like downtown Mogadishu. The new immigrants are NOT welcoming.. even hostile to their neighbors. In some neighborhoods, groups of muslim children, "chase" people even older people to rob them of their money and groceries (of course they only chase non muslims) They attack single non-muslim women walking home from work and even harass men they perceive to be gay. It is so bizarre.""


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