Wednesday, May 1, 2013

GOP rewards Karl Rove for beating the Tea Party in 2012 by paying $15 million for data deal he promoted, now more Americans will hear GOP message which is, We're good guys, just like the democrats

5/1/13, "Karl Rove-linked company gets GOP data deal," Politico, Tarini Parti

"The Republican National Committee has chosen a Karl Rove-linked voter data project called Liberty Works to help it compete with Democrats in the digital arena.

Liberty Works will team up with Data Trust, whose chairman of the board is former RNC Chairman Mike Duncan, committee spokeswoman Kirsten Kukowski confirmed to POLITICO.

“Basically, RNC is going to provide the data, and then Liberty Works will build the platform, and Data Trust will manage it all,” Kukowski said. “This is kind of in the beginning stages. There are legal issues that we’re going to iron out.”

Several data entities — one of which had connections to the Koch brothers — had been competing for the partnership, POLITICO previously reported. Roll Call first reported Wednesday on the selection of Liberty Works and Data Trust.

Rove, who had been working with Liberty Works’ founder Dick Boyce, pitched donors in New York last month for the $15 million-plus data project and also talked it up in March to top GOP insiders at an invitation-only conference in Georgia.

Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for Rove’s American Crossroads, previously told POLITICO that Liberty Works was a “stand-alone” effort, and Boyce reportedly distanced himself from Rove in
conversations with prospective donors.

Kukowski said that Rove was not directly affiliated with the efforts. “Obviously, Karl Rove has been an interested data user on our side,” she said. “But he is not affiliated with the RNC, Liberty Works or Data Trust in this endeavor.”

Kristin Davison, chief of staff for Rove, said that he is not financially linked to Liberty Works and any implication otherwise is incorrect.

Since last November’s losses, Rove has spoken about the need to update the GOP’s data operation. In a Wall Street Journal op-ed in March, Rove said that “Silicon Valley Republicans are working to modernize the GOP’s voter file,” although he didn’t mention Liberty Works by name.

“The information and applications should provide for dynamic microtargeting and at least match the Obama campaign’s ability to connect target voters with volunteers they know or whose interests match their own,” Rove wrote. “It should also be possible to update the master voter file in real time from phone banks, door knocks, online activity and other data streams. The platform will use open architecture, so enterprising GOP developers can build additional applications that candidates and campaigns find useful.”

Boyce, a San Francisco-based private-equity investor, called the project a game-changer.

“Our venture will change the game with a Republican, free enterprise approach to data and technology,” Boyce said in a statement Wednesday. “We are building an open platform to increase access to data for the entire Republican team as well as to bring creativity and technological innovation to our party through new great applications that can be built off the platform.”" via Drudge


Added comment: First Prize for beating the Tea Party in 2012 actually goes to Rupert Murdoch. Among other things, Murdoch gave Karl Rove and the rest their bully pulpits. One or more of these cowards hiding behind Murdoch's skirts even attacked Rush Limbaugh
if he said the slightest thing that displeased them. The Tea Party couldn't have been beaten without the artillery provided by Fox News. Rupert Murdoch's views on major issues align with far left democrats, Bloomberg, et al., but for whatever reason he likes to stay involved with the GOP process just enough to make sure democrats win. Murdoch empowered Bush crowd hacks whose only claim to fame at best was destroying this country, the GOP, and lifetimes of work and sacrifice by millions of Americans who played by the rules, paid the bills, kept quiet, and kept the country together. The Silent Majority. To this day the Bush crowd despises the Silent Majority, treats them viciously, has people put out pieces every so often that these people are as dangerous as the John Birch Society. Equally responsible is Bush #1 who in 1990 legalized the criminal global warming scam, mandated that the US taxpayer would have perpetual financial responsibility for it by being forced to send endless taxpayer money to thugs and dictators around the world for a non-existent, non-provable crisis they planned to go on forever, bleeding Americans to death day by day, preying on their generosity and man's wish to "do good for the planet.' If this isn't genocide than what is? The Bush #2 crowd happily turned us over to the radical left, haven't lost a minute of sleep about it, have no intention of leaving the public stage, and would rather die than let us save this country. P.S. There are other GOP players who had big parts in defeating the Tea Party which I've listed elsewhere on this blog. But Murdoch I think is the biggest.

Ed. Rollins attacks Rush Limbaugh on Fox News, Rollins says the GOP is right to say Obama and his team are good guys, just like the GOP are good guys, the GOP would just do things a little differently is all. This was Murdoch at his finest. Over practically nothing, Fox News stabs Rush Limbaugh, letting him know they're dissecting his every word so he better be a lot more careful. So Rush Limbaugh is the problem, per the GOP, but the GOP refuses to differentiate itself from the democrats. This is similar to what McCain did in 2008, repeatedly lectured right of center Americans desperate for a candidate who cared about this country that Obama would be just fine:

8/31/12, "The Obama Good Guy/Bad Guy Debate," Rush Limbaugh transcript

"RUSH: Marco Rubio: "Our problem with Obama is he's not a bad person." Here's Ed Rollins yesterday afternoon on Fox with Megyn Kelly. Megyn Kelly said, "You know, it was clearly a theme last night. Over and over again they pounded that it's something to be proud of in this country to be successful, the foundation of what this country was built on is success. Ed, did the Republicans make their case?"

ROLLINS: They certainly did to a certain extent.
The president and his team are not bad people in spite of Rush Limbaugh gonna criticize us for saying he's not a bad guy. They just have a different viewpoint. And I think the viewpoint is that, you know, we need government to interfere, we need to redistribute wealth, government needs to be the referee. Our perspective is stay out of our way and let us just go. Give us the freedom to go achieve the things that we want to achieve as an American."

RUSH: I've never stated that I want them to talk about Obama being a bad guy. My express desire has been that there be some leadership....

"All I've asked for is some ideology. Just explain liberalism, just tell 'em who Obama is in that regard. Obviously they didn't want to do it. They were obviously afraid to say things like, "Obama doesn't have the same view of America we do. In his world, America is guilty, doesn't deserve to be a superpower." There's a movie out there that people are showing up in droves to see that makes this point. Maybe they're relying on that. I don't know. But I don't want to say he's a bad guy. All I've ever said is get some ideology in this. Explain what conservatism is. Explain what liberalism is. It's so easy to do, and it's highly educational....

RUSH:  I did sort of blanch when I thought they were gonna say he's a good guy. A good guy does not accuse you of causing another man's wife to die of cancer. A good guy does not accuse you of shoving grandma over the cliff to die in a wheelchair. 

Nice guys, good guys don't do that kind of stuff."...image above from Rush Limbaugh


P.S. Rush Limbaugh's heart belongs to the establishment GOP and Karl Rove, two entities that are preventing us from saving this country. But on his radio show,  many times Rush sounds like his heart is with those of us in the Silent Majority, the grassroots. It's not, but we listen to him because he sometimes says what we want to hear. I've listened to him since 1989 and have heard enough to know this is true. When it matters most, Rush will torpedo the grassroots and carry water for the establishment. As horrible as this is, it doesn't negate the fact that Rush is a true original, an intellectual and creative genius, one man alone who created something vast and kept it going for many, many years. At minimum he's performed a great service by educating us about the media. Ed Rollins is less than nothing compared to Rush Limbaugh.


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