So scary is the Tea Party that Dept. of Homeland Security forces showed up at Tea Party gatherings in Orlando, Fla., and St. Louis, Mo. on May 21:
5/22/13, "Department of Homeland Security Targets Orlando and St. Louis TEA Party IRS protests," TeaPartyTribune.com, Dr. Richard Swier
"Tom Tillison of BizPac Review reports:
"The protest was held in Maitland, Florida, a short drive north of
Orlando and not surprisingly, North Lake Tea Party, long the standard
bearer of the Central Florida tea party movement, was on hand.
The tea party was acting on a call to action by Tea Party
Patriots Inc., which bills itself as the nation’s largest tea party
organization, in response to recent admissions by IRS officials that the
agency had intentionally targeted tea party and conservative groups. A scandal that continues to grow in scope with each passing day.
Under the watchful eye of Homeland Security —
yes, they were present — protesters carried signs that read “We Do Not
Consent to Tyranny,” “Abolish the IRS” and “Don’t Target me Bro!,”
making it clear they do not condone the use of the IRS as a political weapon.
As one protester noted, it’s insulting that Homeland Security
felt the need to be present as American citizens exercise their first
amendment right,
but decide to look away
when suspected Islamic
terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev travels back and forth to his home country.
Gateway Pundit
reports, “Residents of St. Louis County, MO met in front of the IRS
offices on May 21, 2013 to protest the IRS’ practice of targeting and
harassing conservatives, patriots and Tea Party supporters. There were
no city or county police there, ONLY DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY POLICE.”
Given that officers from the Department of Homeland Security were at
TEA Party IRS protests in both St. Louis, MO, Melbourne and Orlando, FL
but not in Sarasota, FL indicates targeting? It should be noted that the
IRS offices are federal buildings and the DHS has a role in protecting
federal buildings in the US. If any other groups noticed the same presence of DHS officers at their protest or the lack thereof please contact WDW."
"Residents of St. Louis County, 5/21/13, peacefully protest in front of IRS. "There were no city or
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