Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Philadelphia Tea Party leader closed her group after IRS communications made her fearful of going to jail, others who didn't quit curtailed activities. IRS actions helped GOP much more than Obama, GOP defeating Tea Party was life or death issue

5/14/13, "IRS Intimidation Forced Founder To Shut Down Tea Party Group," Breitbart, John Nolte

"Chris Good of ABC News reports that Jennifer Stefano of Philadelphia was so intimidated by the IRS that she closed her Tea Party down:
"In the documents that were sent to me, if you did not tell the whole truth by not putting all your personal information out there by Facebook, by Twitter, of your personal relationship with candidates and parties ... it could be considered perjury and perjury carried jail time," Stefano, 39, told ABC News.

"That was frightening and that's why I shut it down. I shut my group down."

Tom Zawistowski, former president of the Ohio Liberty Coalition, told ABC News that, "The reason for this attack by the IRS on the tea party was to make sure we were not as effective in 2012 as we were in 2010, and that's what they did[.]"

Zawistowski also believes that the ridiculous amount of information and documents requested by the IRS was "opposition research," having nothing to do with whether or not a group would qualify as tax exempt.

The IRS asked another Ohio tea party organization, the Liberty Township Tea Party, about its political views and relationships with an individual and another group.
"Provide a list of all issues that are important to your organization. Indicate your position regarding each issue," the IRS commanded in a letter with 35 questions, many including between three and six bullet-pointed subquestions.

ABC News adds:
In letters obtained by ABC News, the Internal Revenue Service asked detailed questions of local tea party groups from 2010 to 2012.

Other Tea Party groups interviewed complained of getting bogged down by the paperwork. One group claims that "500 pages of stuff" went "back and forth" between them and the IRS:
There was kind of a cloud over us. ... It did curtail the things we could do. We could not go outside the IRS rules. Tax-exempt status allows you to do certain things, and we did not go outside them.

These groups say they didn’t hear from the IRS until after their 2010 victories. Then, before they could recreate that success against Obama in 2012, all of a sudden they are intimidated, restricted from certain political activities, and bogged down in a bureaucratic nightmare -- all at the hands of the IRS.

We now know that the IRS targeted Obama's political enemies, and either by accident or design, made them less effective during his reelection campaign in 2012."...


Ed. note: The Tea Party wasn't a threat to Obama. It was a huge threat to the GOP. They put all their effort into defeating the Tea Party in 2012 and succeeded. The IRS clearly helped the GOP which didn't want to win the presidency to begin with. The GOP sabotaged and undermined any chance the Republican candidate could beat the democrat, just as they did with McCain v Obama in 2008. The GOP doesn't differentiate itself from democrats because they want the same things. They got a weak candidate they could control which was Romney. The Bushes have destroyed the GOP and the country but they're not done. To the extent GOP party personnel exist on the state level their main function is as gatekeeper to make sure no one good gets elected, especially from the Tea Party. This was done in 2012. The GOP is passionate about one thing: silencing the hated grassroots. They accomplish this by making sure democrats are in charge.

George Bush was ‘critical of Romney’s campaign and skeptical of his chances,’ NY Magazine, 10/14/12:

“He (George Bush) gets a regular drip feed of political news from Karl Rove and others—he’s been critical of Romney’s campaign and skeptical of his chances.”...(p. 2)

10/14/12, “(Jeb) Bush in the Wilderness,” NY Magazine, Joe Hagen

NY Magazine did an interview with the hideous Jeb Bush during his shadow campaign at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa. The characterizations about George Bush (above) were part of NY Magazine’s narrative. They weren’t disputed in Jeb Bush’s follow-up to NY Magazine.

10/16/12, “Jeb Bush Responds to New York,” NY Magazine, Dan Amira


Jeb Bush viciously destroys the Republican brand every chance he gets:

8/29/12, "Just Stop Acting Stupid,” Jeb Bush Tells Republicans Over Immigration Extremism,"

The vicious Jeb Bush lectured innocent people who came to a convention that they were "stupid" and "extremists," after which "the crowd burst into applause." Then Bush told the media that these same stupid extremists were also rude and disrespectful bigots:

"Speaking with reporters after his remarks, Bush reiterated that the party 

needs to make sure that it treats Latinos with respect.
“You have conservative voters that share common values,” he said. “You have to have a 

tone that embraces them 

and respects them over the long haul or

 you’re not going to be successful. It’s a practical consideration.”"...


2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes 



10/20/11, "The lost decade," Angelo M. Codevilla, Claremont Institute

"America's current ruling class, the people who lost the War on Terror, monopolizes the upper reaches of American public life, the ranks of those who make foreign and domestic policy, including the leadership of the Republican and Democratic parties. It is more or less homogeneous socially and intellectually."...


Karl Rove's 10 biggest losers in 2012 were actually winners because they kept Tea Party candidates from winning. The object wasn't beating democrats, it was beating the Tea Party:

2/4/13, "Top 10 establishment Republicans who lost senate races in 2012,"
, Steven Holmes

To view the list on one page   


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