4/23/13, "HAHAHAHA. Meet Americans for a Conservative Direction, the Latest GOP Scam in Washington," Erick Erickson, RedState
"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA....I’d like to introduce you to “Americans for a Conservative
Direction.” It’s got Haley Barbour as the head of it, whose nephew was
on the RNC audit committee. He’s joined by Sally Bradshaw of the same
RNC Audit Committee. They’ve also got Joel Kaplan of Facebook, Dan
Senor whose wife is Campbell Brown formerly of CNN, and Rob Jesmer.
Jesmer, you will recall, headed the National Republican Senatorial
Committee and backed Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist, Trey Greyson, Bob
Bennett, and every other terrible squishy moderate to liberal candidate
the GOP could field.
And now they want to call themselves “Americans for a Conservative Direction.” You know how conservative the direction is they want to go?
They’re already bilking their donors for dollars to support...wait for it...seriously...wait for it...
Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Yes, “Americans for a Conservative
Direction” are using donor dollars to prop up sweet little Lindsey in
South Carolina. And the ad is as poorly produced as a GOP consultant
class scam can get. “Our Back,” they call the ad cheerleading Lindsey."
Greasy Jeb Bush hosts fundraiser this year for above mentioned pathetic Lindsey Graham:
2/10/13, "Jeb Bush helps Lindsey Graham raise re-election cash in Coral Gables," Tampa Bay Times, Alex Leary
"Sen. Lindsey Graham dropped by the Biltmore in Coral Gables on Sunday to
raise money for his 2014 re-election campaign. The event was hosted by
Jeb Bush, Cesar Alvarez, Al Cardenas, Manny Kadre, Ana Navarro and
Remedios Diaz-Oliver."
(above invitation from Tampa Bay Times)
Above, Obama and greasy Jeb Bush, 2/15/11, at the White House. photo CS Monitor
Ed. note: It's bad enough hundreds of millions of people in the US are forced into one of only 2 viable political parties for elections. Now it's worse because the GOP has merged with the democrats. And not just a little, but all in. The Bush crowd's number one hated enemy is we the people. Despises us:
2/20/13, "As Country Club Republicans Link Up With The Democratic Ruling Class, Millions Of Voters Are Orphaned," Angelo Codevilla, Forbes
10/20/11, "The lost decade," Angelo M. Codevilla, Claremont Inst.
"America's current ruling class, the people who lost the War on Terror,
monopolizes the upper reaches of American public life, the ranks of
those who make foreign and domestic policy, including the leadership of
the Republican and Democratic parties. It is more or less homogeneous
socially and intellectually."...
Karl Rove's 10 biggest losers in 2012:
2/4/13, "Top 10 establishment Republicans who lost senate races in 2012," Examiner.com, Steven Holmes
To view the list on one page.
GOP establishment coming out of the woodwork to show authority over Tea Party:
7/13/12, "George Shultz Endorses Carbon Tax – You Were Surprised?" GlobalWarming.org, Marlo Lewis
Obama re-election helped GOP House Speaker Boehner: NPR
12/8/12, "Once Boxed-In, Boehner May Finally Be Master Of The House," NPR, Frank James
"In a paradoxical way, Obama's re-election victory coupled with
congressional Democrats adding to their numbers may have helped Boehner.
Some of those wins came at the expense of the Tea Party, the
conservative movement whose affiliated House members have been very
willing to stand up to Boehner.
In recent weeks, Boehner...has gotten his entire leadership team to sign his tax-raising,
fiscal-cliff counteroffer....
Despite complaints from conservative activists and bloggers, however, Boehner remains the most powerful Republican in Washington.".
3/27/13, "Is the Republican Party America's Achilles Heel?" American Thinker, Steve McCann
"It has become painfully obvious over the past twenty years that the
Republican Party leadership knows neither who the enemy is nor do they
have a firm and unalterable conviction in what the Republican Party
stands for....
"The Republican Party stood idly by and allowed themselves to
be defined as the party of intolerance and inequity. The combined 12
years of George H.W. and George W. Bush, and their obsession with
civility as well their refusal to forcefully respond to the most
egregious of personal attacks combined with the Party's incoherent set
of principles, validated and cemented in the public's mind the
accusations hurled at the Republican Party by the Democrats and their
sycophants in the media."...
4/11/13, "Exclusive -- Whip McCarthy Defiant: Republicans Strongest When United," Breitbart, Ben Shapiro
Commenter to above piece (which was just propaganda) about Republicans in general:
"prib67 • 12 hours ago
Republicans squander majorities, throw away mandates and lolli-gag in
the White House.
Take a gander at the Bush legacy.
No tax reform,
social security reform,
little state's rights bills,
bowed to the U.N.,
spent like drunk sailors,
meddled in foreign affairs and
tried to force
feed Amnesty to America.
They are never dynamic or proactive when they
get the opportunity. Lazy and weak.
When they are in the minority,
at least in the recent past, they at least unified and tried to gel to
provide a check valve to the Democrats.They were actually better as the
minority, sadly.
Nowadays, back as the minority once again (imagine
that), they suck as the minority too.
They are not unified,
they feed on
their own people, and
are weak knee-ed wusses.
They act like some pimple
faced boy who wants to fit in and be popular. I thought we were grown ups
who had character and toughness?
I'm not a libertarian, nor a
religious right conservative. I'm somewhere in a happy medium between
the two. However, the Tea Party libertarians have my sympathy and
support. They are trying to force the GOP to be fiscally responsible, and
to keep our rights sacred. To not meddle in foreign affairs unless we
have to. The deeply entrenched lifetime politicians within the Republican
Party need to bid adieu and bow out gracefully. Either that or get sent
packing. The establishment GOP are no better then the Democrats. More
effort is put into defeating or silencing any one [who] wants reform from
their own party than is put into defeating democrats. That's going to
Rush Limbaugh said the same about the GOP as commenter above, that they're mainly interested in beating other republicans:
11/4/10, "Ruling Class GOP Declare War on Country Class Conservatives," RushLimbaugh.com
"The ruling class of the Republican Party doesn't
want conservatives having any kind of a foothold, any success or any
leadership in the party. ...(item half way down page)....So it
appears to me they're (GOP) perfectly happy being in the minority
if it
means not supporting conservatives. (2/3 down page).
Apparently the establishment Republicans will fight harder and more viciously to stop conservatives than to stop Obama and the left. "...(2/3 down page).
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