Friday, March 15, 2013

UN cash group sends urgent letter to 9 states 'imploring' them not to reduce flow of state taxpayer cash to UN groups even if they think cash is going to Agenda 21 because the UN is good and Agenda 21 is 'two decades old'

Patrick Madden, Executive Director of a UN group, sent an urgent letter to legislators in 9 states, Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Washington, on 2/24/13 "imploring" them not pass a bill concerning UN Agenda 21 which may cut off free state taxpayer cash for some UN groupsThe letter says:

1. US legislatures shouldn't "waste valuable time" discussing UN Agenda 21.

2. UN Agenda 21 is a "non-existent threat."

3. UN Agenda 21 is "two decades old."

4. UN Agenda 21 is "non-binding." 

5. That state taxpayer dollars should continue to flow to UN projects, and that any attempt to curtail these gifts is, "a conspiracy theorist bill being pushed by a paranoid few...wearing tin foil hats."

(Citation after letter below about Agenda 21 reference in US government document).


The group, UNA-USA, was founded by billionaire Ted Turner. The letter to 9 state legislators says "'Move along, folks, nothing to see here:'" 

"Open Letter to State Legislators, February 24, 2013, Patrick Madden, UNA-USA Executive Director

This letter is directed to state legislators in Arizona, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Washington.

Dear State Elected Official:

I’m writing to express my great concern for a pending piece of legislation
and my need for your help in defeating it.  

The state legislature may soon be wasting valuable time taking up a bill that takes on a nonexistent threat. Specifically, this bill concerns itself with Agenda 21, a two decade-old nonbinding United Nations document.  Haven’t heard of Agenda 21? I’m not surprised, most citizens and even legislators wouldn’t know the difference between Agenda 21, Forever 21, or Century 21.

Agenda 21 is a non-binding document on sustainable development. It is not a treaty and it is not legally binding. Federal, state, and local governments are under no obligation to adopt any of the document’s strategies or methods.  

Anti-agenda 21 legislation are essentially anti-UN bills that restrict state governments, municipal governments, and in some cases nonprofits from funding and working on issues like combating poverty, reducing pollution, health and education, to name just a few. What citizens and elected officials in any state would want to restrict our options for handling these issues?

You should be aware that a recent poll demonstrated that more than  
80% of Americans (of all political stripes) support the United States’ engagement with the United Nations. 

Given such broad support for the UN’s work and impact our state and others around the country, 

why is our state legislature quarreling over 

such an old document that 

has no legal bearing  

on our state constitution, state

or local government bodies,

or the U.S. Constitution? I’m flummoxed by why state legislature leadership or committees 

would waste precious time, 

especially given how short the legislative session is, with such

a conspiracy theorist bill being pushed by a paranoid few. 

Several other states have already defeated similar measures. In Arizona, the business community spoke up to turn back a bill that it deemed would hurt economic development. In Tennessee, the legislature passed an anti-Agenda 21 resolution, but the governor didn’t sign it because of his reservations.

You should speak out about how this bill misrepresents 

the intent and the truth about the UN and Agenda 21.  

Most aren’t familiar with Agenda 21 or perhaps even the UN, but I am, and I support the UN. I am a member of the UN Association of the USA, and I vote.

This is worse than the emperor has no clothes. The emperor 

is wearing a tin foil hat.

I implore you to speak out against this bill and 

vote against passage if it comes to the floor for consideration.  

Don’t allow a fringe political voice 

drive our state legislature’s work

Let’s get back to the business of advancing our state’s future not  

chasing nonexistent threats from the past.


Patrick Madden
Executive Director, UNA-USA" via


Agenda 21 is mentioned in at least one US government document. A US government document from a website cites Agenda 21 in context of curing man-caused climate change:

USAID, "Global Climate Change: Capacity Building,"

"According to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, building a country’s capacity 

"… encompasses the country’s human, scientific, technological, organizational, institutional and resource capabilities. A fundamental goal of capacity-building is to enhance the ability to evaluate and address the crucial questions related to policy choices and modes of implementation among development options, based on an understanding of environmental potentials and limits and of needs as perceived by the people of the country concerned.(1) " 


"1. UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Division for Sustainable Development, “National Mechanisms; International Cooperation for Capacity-Building in Developing Countries,” in Agenda21, accessed November 18, 2010, chap/sec. 37.1."


Commenter to above letter posted at
"You gotta love how they say it doesn't exist, but that they support it. LOL"




US Mayors' Climate group received $2.8 billion Obama stimulus cash in 2009 to help it "fight" man-caused global warming in assn. with ICLEI which states it engages in 'Local Agenda 21'
1062 US Mayors signed the "US Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement" in association with ICLEI (p. 36), a group which "engages citizens in Local Agenda 21" (see 4th subhead, "Our Impacts"). The global warming alarmism agreement was motivated by then Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels whose aim was for the US to align with Kyoto global warming rules and enact 'cap and trade.' Nickels' "poor handling of the city (Seattle) during an unusually snowy winter" is said to have hurt his re-election to a third term, but no matter, open arms awaited. Nickels served a "one-year term as a special representative to the United Nations."
"What cities are required to do if they endorse the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement," (Agreement established in 2006)



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