Friday, March 1, 2013

UKIP stuns Conservatives, humiliating defeat for David Cameron and slap in face for Tory elites obsessed with gay marriage, climate change, big. gov. and EU

UKIP is the UK Independence Party

3/1/13, "Eastleigh by-election: Margaret Thatcher, not Barack Obama, must be David Cameron’s role model for 2015," UK Telegraph, Nile Gardiner

"A remarkable night for UKIP in the Eastleigh by-election, narrowly losing to the Liberal Democrats while beating the Conservatives by more than a thousand votes, and Labour by over 7,000 votes. This is a humiliating defeat for David Cameron’s “modernising” agenda, and a slap in the face for the metropolitan elites in the Tory Party whose obsession with gay marriage, foreign aid, climate change, and a multitude of big government initiatives have alienated large sections of the party’s grass roots.

It’s also a clear message from voters that Cameron’s promise of a referendum on British membership of the European Union is not enough – he needs to take a clear stand in defence of national sovereignty and back withdrawal from the EU. There is no prospect of real reform in the European Union, and his policy of fighting for renegotiation is a red herring. A majority of Britons want to leave the EU, and if the Conservatives are going to fight the next election pledging to stay in the union, large numbers of their supporters will desert them."...


3/1/13, "Ukip leader Nigel Farage: Eastleigh by-election result is 'sign of things to come'," UK Telegraph, James Kirkup

"Ukip stunned the Conservatives by beating them into third place in Eastleigh and came within 2,000 votes of the Liberal Democrats, who retained the seat. 

Mr Farage’s party took only 4 per cent of the vote in Eastleigh at the 2010 general election. Its candidate Diane James won 28 per cent of the votes in the by-election, a total of 11,571 votes.

The Ukip result, which will raise fresh doubts about the Conservatives’ election strategy and David Cameron’s leadership, is a sign of things to come, Mr Farage said....

Ukip took votes from all three main parties, he said: "People are sick and tired of having three social democrat parties that are frankly indistinguishable from each other."

Mr Farage added that Ukip is reaping the benefits of its focus on issues like immigration: “We are the party prepared to talk about and confront difficult issues that everyone else wanted to brush under the carpet.” 

David Cameron in January promised to hold an in/out referendum on the European Union if he is re-elected in 2015, a promise that some Tories had hoped would undermine Ukip. 

But Mr Farage’s party fought its Eastleigh campaign focussing on the prospect of mass migration from Romania and Bulgaria next year. Under EU rules, nationals from those countries will have full rights to live and work in the UK from 2014. 

Mr Farage said Ukip will continue to raise the issue in May’s local elections, next year’s European elections, and the 2015 general election. 

"If you want to have a managed migration policy, you cannot remain a member of the European Union,” he said. 

"My prediction is that over the next year or two, as the European debate gathers pace in this country, the issue of immigration and border controls will become the absolute key to the whole thing.”"


Lucianne Commenter:

"Ukip focused "on issues like immigration." They didn´t throw in the towel, didn´t pretend to compromise for very hazy "better things," didn´t soft-pedal such issues...If we could only find candidates prepared> to confront instead of retreat with a lazy, smarmy smile, we might get somewhere. Let´s start by having conservative financiers bankroll a Nigel Farage speaking tour in the US."


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