Sunday, March 17, 2013 personnel prepared negative post about Breitbart 'Uninvited' panel before event took place

3/16/13, "Salon Writer Spins False Narrative on 'The Uninvited' Before Panel Begins," Breitbart, Matthew Boyle 

"“Before the panel discussion, they had already had their posts prepared,” Poole said. “I was sitting directly beside them and she had her article on ‘Islamaphobia is alive and well at CPAC’ post all ready to go.”

Poole said this is an example of Salon’s far left-wing writers fabricating a “pre-determined narrative” aimed at undermining the substance of arguments made during the event."
3/16/13, "Enemedia in an uproar over Pamela Geller's statement on Suhail Khan's stealth jihad," Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

"Breitbart's "Uninvited" event was standing room only. And I was overwhelmed by the rush of applause and folks who stood up when I walked into the room for the event. It was mindblowing. Pamela Hall was there so we should have video later.

I knew when I said that Suhail Khan was worse than Anwar Awlaki that the enemedia would jump all over it as a "gotcha" quote, and Salon (the hopeless Alex Seitz-Wald again) and BuzzFeed jumped right on it. Of course Khan's stealth jihad is more dangerous. Awlaki is dead. Suhail is working his treachery every day, under the guise of a "conservative" mask. Anwar al-Awlaki was a moderate Muslim before he wasn't. He was praised in the New York Times. Abdurrahman Alamoudi, a friend of Norquist and Khan, was also a moderate before he wasn't. Alamoudi was Suhail's mentor before he went to prison for terror-related crimes. Alamoudi was al-Qaeda's largest secret financial courier.

Suhail Khan is tightly linked to jihadists who want to take down this country.

Here is the background: Suhail Khan Exposed

The damage that covert jihadists do is incalculable. They have enabled Muslim Brotherhood access to the highest levels of government. They have deeply compromised our resistance to jihad. And they lull people into complacency about the jihad threat.

Alex Seitz-Wald continues to pursue his obsession with demonizing our work:

Pam Geller: CPAC board member is “worse” than Anwar al-Awlaki by Alex Seitz-Wald, Salon, March 16, 2013

"Anti-Muslim activist and blogger Pam Geller said Saturday at a CPAC panel of rouge conservative activists that a board member of the group that puts on the annual conservative conference is worse than a terrorist killed by an American drone strike in Yemen.

Geller said the reason she and the other panelists — including fellow anti-Muslim activists Frank Gaffney and Robert Spencer — were barred from CPAC because of the nefarious influence of board members Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan."
Once again, Alex equates opposing jihad with being anti-Muslim. It's "anti-Muslim" to work for the freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and equality of rights for all.

"The three anti-Muslim activists have for years accused Norquist and Khan of being members of the Muslim Brotherhood and secret Islamist agents, but Geller took her rhetoric against Khan, a Republican consultant and former Bush White House official, to new heights today.

“Am I saying that Suhail Khan is as bad as Awlaki? He’s worse!” she said, referring to Anwar al-Awlaki, the American citizen jihadi who was killed by a U.S. drone strike in 2011.

She added that it was a “crime” that she and the others panelists were not invited to CPAC, warning that the snub is a threat to the freedom of speech. “Free men will have to resort to violence in the absence of the freedom of speech,” she added darkly.

Spencer had his own anti-Khan tirade, encouraging activist in the room to “go find him and take your picture with him.”

Gaffney called Khan a “prince of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Gaffney was disinvited from CPAC several years ago and the entire board of the American Conservative Union, which organizes CPAC, passed a unanimous resolution condemning Gaffney’s baseless attacks on Khan and Norquist. Geller said she was disinvited this year."

And get this from Grover Norquist at the end of this BuzzFeed story about my being banned from CPAC:

Pamela Gellar [sic]: CPAC's Muslim Board Member Is 'Worse Than Al-Awlaki' by Evan McMorris-Santoro, BuzzFeed, March 16, 2013

"NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — A prominent conservative activist Saturday accused of Muslim conservative of waging a "stealth Jihad" against the movement, warning his position as a board member of the influential American Conservative Union is more dangerous than the American-born al Qaeda leader killed in a US drone strike.

"Am I saying that Suhail Kahn is as bad as [Anwar] Al-Alwaki? He's worse," conservative blogger Pam Geller said at a CPAC panel. ACU puts on the annual gathering of conservatives.

"Listen to me. He's worse because look what he's done to this conference. Look at the influence that they have had on this conference...It's Stealth Jihad."

The panel, sponsored by, was called "The Uninvited" because Geller and other speakers who warned against Kahn were not invited to speak at official CPAC events. At previous CPACs, Gellar [sic] and others have offered similar attacks on Khan, warning that he and fellow ACU board member Grover Norquist are aiding the Muslim Brotherhood.

Norquist brushed aside those attacks Saturday.

"You can't get worked up about it, because they're not important enough to dislike," Norquist said. "But it's sad ... none of those people are part of the modern conservative movement. They never have been."

Norquist declined to refer to Geller by name.

"There are always people who try and poach on CPAC and I guess the woman from New York has several times that she was being banned or something," he said. "And everyone's going, 'what? we don't know who she is. We didn't know that she's banned.'"

"The woman from New York." That's a fancy way of saying "the Jew."
"We didn't know that she's banned." "We didn't know"? Al Cardenas said this last week in the Washington Post:
"Also, this year we decided not to invite Pamela Geller for comments she made at CPAC critical of our officers. In each of these cases, their ad hominem attacks denigrate the debate and distract from the real point of CPAC."....
Norquist's statement "we didn't know that she's banned" is a bold-faced lie. Not only is Grover lying, but proof is that Al Cardenas was so concerned about the consequences of banning me that he asked me for a meeting. And we met earlier today. 
Jim Hoft has video at Gateway Pundit
UPDATE: Donald Douglas observed here: "The depraved progs, including Evan McMorris-Santoro, were tracking down Pamela like a pack of hyenas." top photo from Breitbart

Ed. note: The "modern conservative movement" is so described by CPAC's pathetic board member, Norquist, at the height of whose power as a Beltway lobbyist and insider the US was trashed and delivered to the radical left. Perhaps it's better Ms. Geller wasn't part of this alleged "movement." Without naming Ms. Geller, Norquist says:
"You can't get worked up about it, because they're not important enough to dislike," Norquist said. "But it's sad ... none of those people are part of the modern conservative movement. They never have been."
Fascinating. Where and when did this "modern conservative movement" take place? Does this "modern conservative movement" take credit for the loss of both the House and Senate while an alleged "conservative" Republican (G. Bush) sat in the White House followed logically by 8 deathly years of the radical left? If the "modern conservative movement" includes destroying the country and giving it to the radical left, then Norquist was right to marginalize people who might have interfered:

11/28/12,Grover Norquist is the problem with Washington DC, not the solution,” PJ Media, Patrick Poole
In Sept 2003, Norquist was the main cheerleader and defender of the increases in government spending under President Bush and the GOP-controlled US House and Senate, claiming that these spending increases were to “make government more effective.“…

His record also shows that he has no real regard for the conservative movement he tries to wrap himself up in, as demonstrated following the investigation, arrest and conviction of his pal Jack Abramoff, where the investigation showed that Norquist whored out the conservative movement to a wide variety of interests, including Indian casinos, Marianas Island sweat shops and nefarious foreign governments.

Let’s also not forget Norquist’s lobbying on behalf of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to continue the homeownership tax credit, which as Erick Erickson noted directly contributed to the housing bubble and collapse at the expense of billions to the American taxpayers….

Nor were there any apologies, but rather a cover-up, when one of his lobbying firm’s clients, Abdurahman Alamoudi, came under fire for his terrorist associations. In response to those news reports, Norquist’s firm altered their lobbying disclosure forms naming Alamoudi as their client to try to conceal the relationship….

The Treasury Department later identified Alamoudi as one of Al-Qaeda’s top North American fundraisers.

One of the organizations that Alamoudi funded was Norquist’s Islamic Free Market Institute, which was also funded by the Saudis and the governments of Qatar and Kuwait….

And yet Norquist continued to push Alamoudi, even arranging for the Al-Qaeda financier (who was funneling money for Osama bin Laden since as early as 1993) to appear with President Bush just days after the 9/11 attacks. 

And when other Norquist lobbying clients (and donors to Norquist’s organizations) were raided by the US Customs Service in the Operation Greenquest terror finance investigation, Norquist immediately sprung into action, arranging a meeting for his clients with then-Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill. With considerable money being directed to a number of GOP candidates, the investigation was quietly shut down by the Bush administration over the strong objections of the federal investigators on the case….

Norquist’s record is that he will cheer unfunded government spending increases when it suits his own interests, and will shift his interpretation of the ATR no-tax pledge depending on who is lobbying clients are or what special interests he is protecting.”…


You'll recall the US remained silent during Iran's 2009 pro-Western democracy movement in which the government shot citizens in the street:

11/14/11, "Grover Norquist and the Iran Lobby," American Thinker, Clare M. Lopez and David Reaboi

"The CNAPI organizations at that January 21, 2009 meeting, hosted at Norquist's ATR headquarters, made it a priority to stop American funding for Iranian resistance groups by "end[ing] the 'Democracy Fund' as we know it." By working to undercut pro-Western Green movement and democracy advocates, the "Iran Lobby" -- including CNAPI -- defended an Iranian regime that promoted "Death to America" in government-sponsored rallies and called for "a world without America."...
"Norquist's position supporting ACDA and CNAPI (even if not publicly "signing on") puts the influential tax-pledge activist far outside the mainstream -- not just of American conservatives and Republicans, but of a bipartisan consensus on the threat Iran poses....

CNAPI partners were also far outside the mainstream.  According to the June 12 2008 "partners" CNAPI webpage, in addition to ACDA they included George Soros' Open Society Policy Center, which paid the salary of a CNAPI staffer; the even more left-wing Institute for Policy Studies; the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Hamas fundraising scheme; the anti-Israel group J Street; the virulently anti-American and anti-Israel Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran (CASMII) and many others....

In light of Iran's increased belligerence towards Israel and the West, and the global understanding that the regime suppresses democratic revolution by shooting its critics in the streets, concerned citizens at both ends of the political spectrum should ask Grover Norquist why he has not repudiated his earlier support for ACDA and ACDA's partnerships."


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