Friday, March 1, 2013

'All we did was ask the mainstream media to correct their bias problem. People everywhere said, If you're not gonna correct yourself, we're gonna create a media in the wake of your incompetency.' Andrew Breitbart

3/1/13, "In memoriam: Andrew Breitbart," by Pamela Geller, Atlas Shrugs

Andrew Breitbart: "All we did was ask of the mainstream media was to correct their bias problem. When they wouldn't correct themselves, citizens in the form of the Tea Party, people with video cameras going everywhere said, "If you're not gonna correct yourself, we're gonna create a media in the wake of your incompetency, and that's what's happening. It's the most exciting time in media and unfortunately the mainstream media is so upset about it, it covers it as if we're the villains out there."

4/19/11, "Two Book Recommendations: Andrew Breitbart and Tom Watson," Rush Limbaugh transcript


6/9/12, from Legal Insurrection:

"Multiple people who knew Andrew the best told of his philosophy that he was there to take the fire so that others didn’t have to. While the hateful attacks on him, which were beyond imagination, certainly were not fun, he thrived on being the guy who absorbed what the left had to throw.

That’s a concept I’ve thought about, although not exactly in those terms. I understand that for many if not most readers, coming out of the conservative political closet is not an option. There are jobs to worry about."...


Following posted on this blog a year ago on Andrew's death:

3/1/12, "Andrew Breitbart, 'We will take it from well Patriot'"

"Hate tweets roll in on the death of Andrew Breitbart," PJ Media

"Remember this stuff the next time one of these people tries to play the “Have you no decency?” card. As I said, even in death Andrew is exposing them." Instapundit


"And if you think you can unring this bell… you’re wrong.”" 

 Andrew Breitbart, CPAC speech, Feb. 18, 2010, via Gateway Pundit



Andrew Breitbart in Madison, Wisc., Feb. 19, 2011


A few more Breitbart items at above post


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