Thursday, February 28, 2013

'Why totalitarians release prisoners,' Rush Limbaugh show caller is immigrant from Romania, sees US turning into country he escaped from

Listeners to talk radio have heard callers in recent years who came to the US from repressive regimes, are stunned that America is turning into the kind of place they escaped from and that no one cares. I heard this caller from Romania to Rush's show:

2/27/13, "Why Totalitarians Release Prisoners," Rush Limbaugh transcript

"RUSH: Here's Sarine in Hollywood. Sarine, it's great to have you on the program. Hello, sir....

CALLER: Rush, dittos, to start with. Mega, mega dittos. All the best to you, my friend. This regime that is elected by the clueless and the uninformed has come very, very close to -- and, in fact, crossed the line of -- breaking the law by releasing these people out of prison illegally like that. Something like this happened in the seventies in Europe, and this is the reason why I'm so impressed with you that you're so astute that you can understand details that people who have lived here all their lives would have no access to.

They're being pounded with false information all this time. The details are that nobody in their right mind ever tried to enter/cross illegally and run into a communist country, but everybody try to escape. What Ceausescu did in the early seventies is he gave the common thieves and pickpockets and basic criminals that were in prison a choice. They could take a passport to go to Western Europe or stay in prison. So, of course, they chose to leave. That was everybody's dream, thieves or not.

RUSH: This would Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania we're talking about, right?...

CALLER: Thank you...Yeah, so the real purpose was to create absolute havoc in the Western world, in Western Europe, for those who tried to escape -- risking life and limb; crossing at night under the hail of bullets; leaving family, possessions, memories, childhood behind -- just escape and be free. They would ask for political asylum in places like West Germany or France or Italy.
The impression given by these criminals that were allowed emigrate freely was bad.

Of course, once they hit the streets and saw the naivete of the rich world, which is what everybody looked at it as being, they started pillaging there. The setup was such that the governments over there, being faced with this kind of crime, would refuse the acceptance of the people who risked their lives just to escape the moral crime that communism is. So the fact that you mentioned the Marielitos [Castro's Mariel boat lift] and the intent of creating havoc by releasing these people, it is so close in reality and to the truth.

RUSH: I tell you, I'm finding myself in a difficult situation here, because I know that certain words and phrases happen to turn people off in this country. For example -- it's been this way a long time -- in this country and in the media today, if you say to somebody, "That person over there's a communist," you lose 'em. That doesn't work. So you say, "Okay, socialist." Well, okay, that may make more impact. Call 'em a totalitarian or a statist, they still don't want to hear it.

But it's challenging because that's exactly what's happening. Barack Obama is employing tactics that have been used by people like Nicolae Ceausescu, Saddam Hussein, and Fidel Castro. Fidel Castro released hundreds of thousands of just the most horrible characters from his prisons and they infested south Florida in the Mariel Boatlift -- and the same thing with Ceausescu and releasing his prisoners. Not all of them are political. Some of them were hardened criminals.

I mean, Ceausescu was trying to pollute Western Europe. He wasn't sending a bunch of freedom fighters to Western Europe. He was polluting it. Castro was trying to pollute south Florida. He was trying to corrupt it, and the United States in general. Saddam Hussein was trying to corrupt Iraq and Baghdad by letting his most hardened criminals go. It was a punishment, a punishment to the citizens of Iraq for not supporting him, for being complicit in the forthcoming US invasion....

What happened in this country was the Mariel Boatlift -- and, of course, the nice, compassionate people of America welcomed them in at first. "They're escaping the dungeons of Fidel Castro! These are people seeking freedom, and we are people of freedom." The same with Ceausescu's release, and the same thing with Castro's and Saddam's. They end up corrupting the places that they go, and that's the purpose of it.

Now, when you say that Obama is imitating the behavior of people like that, my guess is that any low-information voters in the audience who hear me say this are gonna pooh-pooh it and they're gonna start calling me names: "Reactionary, controversial statements," whatever, "extremist racist, sexist, bigot, homophobe," what have you. Because the low-information voter looks at Obama as a prisoner himself of the Republican Party. "Obama's doing everything he can to make life better! He's trying to create jobs. He's trying to prevent the deficit from growing. He said that no policy of his was gonna grow the deficit by a dime and if it did, he wouldn't do it."...
The media is only part of it.  It's a big part of it, but it's not the entire explanation.  We've reached a point in our cultural evolution where the clueless dominate, where low-information, uneducated, who think they know everything, by the way, dominate.  I appreciate the call."


Ed. note: This is happening because the GOP doesn't exist. Obama can do or say whatever he wants because no one will stop him. The Democrat party took control of schools, media, and culture through Hollywood and television, then sat back and waited. Over time you can convince people of anything. 82% of Muslims in Egypt believe you should be stoned to death for adultery:

"The population of Egypt is approximately 80.5 million,
  • 90% of which is Muslim (mostly Sunni)."...
Of the 90% of the Egyptian population that is Islamic: 

"82% endorse the stoning of people who commit adultery 

 77% support whippings and cutting off of hands for crimes like theft and robbery 

 84% support the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion 20% support suicide bombing in defense of Islam"...


11/11/11, "Afghanistan mother and daughter stoned and shot dead," BBC

"A group of armed men have stoned and shot dead a woman and her daughter in Afghanistan's Ghazni province, security officials have told the BBC. 

The officials blamed the Taliban, who they said had accused the women of "moral deviation and adultery"....

The attack was only 300m from the governor's office in Ghazni city, which is on a list of places to be transferred to Afghan security control.

The incident happened on Thursday in the Khawaja Hakim area of Ghazni city, where the family lived.

The BBC's Bilal Sarwary in Kabul says it is close to the governor's office, the police chief's office and a Western-backed Provincial Reconstruction Team.

Security officials said armed men entered the house where the young widow lived with her daughter and took them out to the yard, where
  • they were initially stoned and then shot dead.
"Neighbours did not help or inform the authorities on time," an official said.

Officials said a number of religious leaders in the city had been issuing fatwas (Islamic religious edicts) asking people to report any one who was "involved in adultery".


12/6/10, "Majority of Muslims want Islam in politics, poll says," LA Times, Meris Lutz


10/11/11, "Afghanistan Obstructs Graft Probes," AP, via Time Magazine, Goldman and Vogt

"A major investigation into an influential Afghan governor accused of taking bribes has been shut down and its top prosecutor transferred to a unit that doesn't handle corruption cases, Afghan and U.S. officials said. The closing of the investigation into the former governor of Kapisa province, Ghulam Qawis Abu Bakr, comes on the heels of a grim, unpublicized assessment by U.S. officials that no substantive corruption prosecutions were taking place in Afghanistan."...


9/25/11, "Government by crime syndicate," LA Times, Sarah Chayes

"...the latest manifestation of a worldwide explosion of outrage at what historians may someday come to deem humanity's latest form of tyranny: the capture of states by criminal syndicates. Otherwise known as rampant public corruption."...

Oleg ran to America from stagnant, depraved, Soviet Union but now finds America has turned into the old USSR complete with 1-party rule

11/9/12, “Old Soviet jokes become the new American reality,“ The People’s Cube, by Oleg Atbashian

At first the move to America from the former USSR made me feel as though I had made a jump in time, from the stagnant depraved past into a distant dynamic future....Today I’m feeling like a time traveler again.

Only this time the productive, honest and self-reliant America is vanishing in the past….
Deprived of free political speech, Soviets had developed a culture of underground political jokes. I used to remember thousands of them….
Americans had no first-hand knowledge of a totalitarian government, ideological uniformity, and shameless propaganda.
But that is changing. The more America “progresses” back to the Soviet model, the more translatable the old Soviet jokes become….
The six contradictions of socialism in the United States of America
America is capitalist and greedyyet half of the population is subsidized.  Half of the population is subsidized – yet they think they are victims.  They think they are victims – yet their representatives run the government.    Their representatives run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer.
-The poor keep getting poorer – yet they have things that people in other countries only dream about.    They have things that people in other countries only dream about – yet they want America to be more like those other countries.

There’s more where it came from – or where we’re going, whichever the case may be.”


A BBC article below from June 2012 describes a Russian enclave in NY City that equates Obama with what they left in the USSR, big government and anti-business:

6/2/12, "New York's Republican enclave," BBC, Reggie Nadelson

"While most of the city is pro-Obama, there is a corner of New York that traditionally votes Republican - the city's holiday destination, Brighton Beach....

This is a little bastion of Republicans in an overwhelmingly Democratic city.

These are people who remember the Soviet Union all too well and resist what they see 

as big government and anti-business programmes....  

"You hear more English in Odessa in the summer than here in Brighton Beach," says Ramon, a waiter at Restaurant Tatiana....

Perhaps the recent memory of too little choice - and sometimes too little food - is still palpable on Brighton Beach....

"But why is that slightly scary fellow staring at me? Then I realise it is the "Re-elect Obama" button on my jacket."...




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