2/15/13, "The smearing of Ted Cruz," Mark Levin Facebook
"The smearing of Ted Cruz by leftists and GOP establishment senators leaking to their favorite liberal media hacks and outlets.
1. "Frank Bruni in The NYT, "The Nasty Newcomer": http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/17/opinion/sunday/ted-cruz-the-gops-nasty-newcomer.html?_r=1&;
2. Ruth Marcus in The Washington Post http://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/ruth-marcus-ted-cruz-makes-quite-an-entrance-to-senate/2013/02/14/451af24e-76f0-11e2-aa12-e6cf1d31106b_story.html (includes an unnamed Republican Senator bashing Cruz);
3. Politico: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/02/texas-senator-ted-cruz-87696.html?hp=l2v (includes unnamed Senate Republicans bashing Cruz [along with named ones]);
4. Multiple segments on the Morning Joe. This is the latest http://www.politico.com/story/2013/02/texas-senator-ted-cruz-87696.html?hp=l2; [Here is a NewsBusters story about Morning Joe
on 2/1/13. Here is citation for Morning Joe bashing Cruz on 2/13/13 via DaTechGuy].
5. NYT editorial (three weeks ago): http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/21/opinion/a-choice-for-republican-leaders.html;
and a Sunday New York Times hit is expected as well." (Frank Bruni piece at top is dated 2/17 which is Sunday. This may be the piece Mr. Levin says is expected or there may be another).
6. Noticed this, 2/15/13, ""Texas Senator goes on attack and raises bipartisan hackles," NY Times, Jonathan Weisman.
(The NY Times has done at least 3 attack pieces on a man who's only been in town a few weeks.)
1/26/13, "Sen. Cruz to House GOP: Stop reading The New York Times," Washington Times, Seth McLaughlin
Ed. note: "Free Speech" used to be the left's issue. No longer:
“Thinking the way everyone else thinks has never felt so cool....The good news is, as in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, there are still a few hold-outs....
But it’s awfully late in the day. The
end is near, we face the final curtain, and it’s an open question
whether the spirit...can triumph over the soporific, sophomoric, self-flattering conformism: Groupthink compliance has never felt so right!"
from "The New Conformo-Radicalism," by Mark Steyn, 2/13/10
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