Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mr. Delingpole asks, 'How can Obama lie with such impunity?' Answer: The US has only one functioning political party which is the democrat party

2/16/13, "If the leader of the free world can lie with such impunity we are doomed," UK Telegraph, James Delingpole

"Earlier this week in his State of the Union address President Obama made some observations on climate change so brimming with falsehoods I'm surprised his nose didn't fall off.

It really doesn't matter where he himself was deliberately lying or whether he was merely lending the gravitas of his office to the deliberate lies of others. The point is that the President of the USA has access to any number of fact checkers and advisers and if he stands up and addresses the nation with a farrago of complete untruths then the buck stops with him. This dissembling and mendacity becomes all the more culpable when it forms the basis of major public policy decisions which will have a serious impact on people's lives in the US and beyond.

So why this snake-oil salesman being allowed to get away with it?

Here's the offending part of Obama's speech.
Now, it’s true that no single event makes a trend. But the fact is, the 12 hottest years on record have all come in the last 15. Heat waves, droughts, wildfires, floods, all are now more frequent and more intense. We can choose to believe that Superstorm Sandy, and the most severe drought in decades, and the worst wildfires some states have ever seen were all just a freak coincidence. Or we can choose to believe in the overwhelming judgment of science and act before it’s too late.
And here's Marc Morano's unanswerable point by point rebuttal. Obama's war on climate change is a war against a chimera. He is 

enlarging the state, 
holding back the economic recovery, 
restricting freedoms, 
driving up the price of energy and 
killing jobs 

in order to deal with a problem which only exists in the discredited computer projections of a shameless cabal of grant-troughing activist scientists increasingly out of touch with real world data.

So why, outside the internet, has no one called him on it?

The answer, I think, lies partly within the question. The internet, it seems to me, is the last bastion of truth in a world corrupted beyond measure.

Who is standing up for Rachel Frosch? Just a bunch of political bloggers and Tweeters.

Who is exposing the lies of the climate change industry? Bloggers, mostly.

Who kept the story of the Obama administration's shameful betrayal of the embassy staff it allowed to be murdered in Benghazi? Conservative bloggers, again – though with support from conservative journals like the American Spectator, which has a must-read piece on the subject here.

I'll tell you what I fear. I think we have now reached that stage of last-days-of-the-Roman-Empire intellectual and moral depravity where almost no one in our dominant corporate/political/financier/lawyer class believes it's worthwhile or even possible to do the right thing any more. Some of them may be vaguely aware that, yes, the only way the world is ever going to recover from the economic mess we're in is through a radical agenda of cost-cutting, contraction of the state, sound money, and lower taxes. But they've made up their minds that none of this is a votewinner in our heavily socialised Western economies and that therefore the only hope is simply to grab what you can while you still can – and forget any fancy, idealistic notions you may have had about making the world a better place.

It disgusts me so much I wonder why I bother. Indeed, if I had my life over again, I don't think I would. I'd train as a lawyer. I'd be running an energy fund with close links to government. I'd be Al Gore or Dale Vince.

Seriously, does anyone have an answer to what I've written here?"


commenter at Lucianne

"Reply 3 - Posted by: Moonspinner, 2/16/2013 6:07:01 PM    
First, lets get one thing straight. Obama is not a leader of anything....Lets get another thing straight, he may have the title of president of the United States, but his mentality and expertise is only in community agitating. He knows how to lead malcontents to destroy things that others have built....To be a community agitator the person has to be a good liar and con artist. Obama is both." 


Ed. note: Mr. Delingpole asks: "So why this snake-oil salesman being allowed to get away with it?"

The answer is the GOP has sold out. There's only one functioning political party in the US today which is the democrats. Everybody knows it. The GOP is fine with Obama, wants the same things he wants so he can lie and nothing will happen. The GOP has told House members their job is to do what Obama wants, that Obama's election counts and their elections don't count. A country without at least 2 functioning political parties is a functioning dictatorship.


4 citations about GOP in effect nullifying all elections except Obama's. Boehner twice gives NY Times the inside story:

11/10/12, “Boehner Tells House G.O.P. to Fall in Line,” NY Times, by Jonathan Weisman and Jennifer Steinhauer

On a conference call with House Republicans a day after the party’s electoral battering last week, Speaker John A. Boehner dished out some bitter medicine, and for the first time in the 112th Congress,
most members took their dose.
Their party lost, badly, Mr. Boehner said, and while Republicans would still control the House and would continue to staunchly oppose tax rate increases as Congress grapples with the impending fiscal battle, they had to avoid the nasty showdowns that marked so much of the last two years.

Members on the call, subdued and dark, murmured words of support — even a few who had been a thorn in the speaker’s side for much of this Congress."...


12/6/12, "Boehner gains strong backing from House Republicans," NY Times, Steinhauer

"Many House Republicans appear to view Mr. Boehner with the same sort of respect that adult children award their parents for the sage counsel they ignored in their younger days....

On Wednesday, in a private meeting between Mr. Boehner and House Republicans, member after member spoke in support of him, in some cases saying a deal they would have rejected six months ago would most likely be taken today....

“I think the presidential election has something to do with it,” said Representative Adam Kinzinger of Illinois. “We understand that we’re going to have to deal with Obama for four more years. Also, there is an understanding that this is a very serious situation.""...
[Ed. note: It makes sense Kinzinger is front and center with an obsequious quote. Establishment GOP donated to his campaign in 2012 against a Tea Party supported candidate and he won. The NY Times mentions above that Boehner has a $100 million fund to back yes-men.]

"Obama re-election helped GOP House Speaker Boehner": NPR

12/8/12, "Once Boxed-In, Boehner May Finally Be Master Of The House," NPR, Frank James

"In a paradoxical way, Obama's re-election victory coupled with congressional Democrats adding to their numbers may have helped Boehner. Some of those wins came at the expense of the Tea Party, the conservative movement whose affiliated House members have been very willing to stand up to Boehner.

In recent weeks, Boehner...has gotten his entire leadership team to sign his tax-raising, fiscal-cliff counteroffer....

Despite complaints from conservative activists and bloggers, however, Boehner remains the most powerful Republican in Washington."...


GOP House majority told by GOP 'leaders' that they're actually a minority:

1/19/13, "A minority posture for House GOP,The Hill, by Hooper, Berman  

"House Republicans appeared to be coming to grips with a stark realization as they returned to Washington from a three-day retreat here — they have a majority in name only.

The party begins the 113th Congress with reduced numbers and confronting a popular president and an increased Democratic majority in the Senate."...


Finally, on the 'climate' issue, Obama-Biden climate adviser Nigel Purvis freely admitted it's not about climate:

1/13/12, "US Republicans stir transatlantic tensions over climate change," EurActiv

"Ironically, the ‘cap and trade’ idea that underwrites the global carbon market was originally the brainchild of US Republicans [via George Bush #1]. But this changed because of what one senior US climate negotiator at Kyoto described as a collection of “toxic” ingredients.

“There are three issues

  • constraining industry,
  • sending money abroad, and
  • strengthening the UN
that are inflammatory on their own right,”

Nigel Purvis, a State Department official under the Clinton and Bush administrations, said on the phone from Washington....Nigel Purvis, now the president of the Climate Advisers consultancy in Washington."...


"In 2008, Mr. Purvis served as a senior adviser on climate diplomacy to the Obama-Biden campaign." He is founder and president of Climate Advisers.  


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