Sunday, February 10, 2013

Media now starting to admit UN Agenda 21 does exist

"U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected."...

1/31/13, "MAINSTREAM PRESS LIES ABOUT UN AGENDA 21---WHY?" Democrats Against UN Agenda21

"It's only recently that the press even admits that UN Agenda 21 exists.  Did the United Nations chose to call it the  'Agenda for the 21st Century' purposely in order to block further investigation? It sounds crazy. Up until very recently anyone who referred to UN Agenda 21 was labeled a 'conspiracy theorist' or a nut.  Now the press acknowledges its existence but says it is a non-binding, twenty year old plan that has no impacts on local government. The United Nations, you are told, is ineffectual and the US just ignores proclamations and agreements it doesn't like. 

The rallying cry of Communitarianism pervades your newspaper, television, workplace, and school room as you are encouraged to 'give back,' to volunteer and to think about the common good.  

If you question you are considered selfish and you won't be invited to the communal bike rides and neighborhood parties.... 

This is a public relations campaign--the biggest.  Your government knows that if you knew what the plan was about in 1992 you would have objected to living under a dictatorship.  You would have objected to having your educational system converted to a social indoctrination camp.  You would have been distressed to learn that representative government was to be transitioned to non-representational government by appointed boards and commissions that you have no control over.  So the propaganda campaign was in full force to hide the source and goals of 'Sustainable Development.'"...image from DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21


Prince Charles and billionaire backed groups like WWF say everyone must become poor (other than themselves). Why are the world’s rich pushing US poverty? The rich and powerful despise a striving middle class. A permanent under class has no voice. Thus allowing the upper class to plunder the planet.

On June 8, 2012 fossil fuel billionaire backed Bill McKibben spoke at a conference put on by the New Economics Foundation. This Foundation seeks “to achieve social justice globally” (p. 6) by making a 21 hour work week standard. They say economic growth must be reduced to save the planet and increase equality.


6/02/12, “America’s Transition To A Part-Time Worker Society Accelerates As Part-Time Jobs Hit Record,” Zero Hedge


Democrats Against UN Agenda 21

“U.N. Agenda 21 cites the affluence of Americans as being a major problem which needs to be corrected.  It calls for lowering the standard of living for Americans so that the people in poorer countries will have more, a redistribution of wealth.  Although people around the world aspire to achieve the levels of prosperity we have in our country, and will risk their lives to get here, Americans are cast in a very negative light and need to be taken down to a condition closer to average in the world.  Only then, they say, will there be social justice which is a cornerstone of the U.N. Agenda 21 plan.

Agenda 21 policies date back to the 70′s but it got its real start in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro when President Bush signed onto it.  Click here to see a list of the countries that signed UN Agenda 21.


photo, “WWF Calls For Global Poverty To Save The Planet

WWF UK Pres. Prince Charles in his Aston Martin above says you must be poor
and uses the power of the UK monarchy and the EU to force Americans into submission. Prince Charles’ entire financial survival depends on the world believing in global warming. WWF began as an imperial operation and remains so. Charles’ father Prince Phillip was WWF UK’s first president and is now president emeritus.  


9/8/2011, Prince of Wales becomes president of WWF-UK,” UK Guardian

"He added: For history will not judge us by how much economic growth we achieve in the immediate years ahead,

nor by how much we expand material consumption."...


”Mutual benefit: Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammad bin Zayed al-Nahayan has been friends with Prince Andrew since childhood.”

10/31/2010, “Andrew’s friend the Abu Dhabi princeand the £3billion windfarm off Britain that could earn the Queen millions,” UK Daily Mail, Ian Gallagher and George Arbuthnott


King Juan Carlos had been WWF honorary president since 1968. Seen below slaughtering an elephant in 2006.

WWF honorary pres. King Juan Carlos of Spain with dead elephant on Rann Safari, 2006

4/14/12, “King of Spain Gets It Bad for Hunting Elephants,Elephant Journal


Jeb Bush the oiliest member of the Ruling Class: 

Obama and Jeb Bush, 2/15/11, at the White House. photo CS Monitor



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