Monday, February 25, 2013

Massive lie of 'man-caused climate change' is worst consequence of a non-existent GOP. US CO2 has plunged, is heading even lower, could go to 0 and won't change that CO2 of other countries is going higher or that Zeta drug cartel runs coal mines in N. Mexico and sends CO2 to SW US

2/25/13, "The Mathematics of Climate Change," NY Times, Wordplay blog, Gary Antonick

"Climate change is arguably the most important issue humanity has ever faced. The Earth’s average surface temperature continues to climb and weather is increasingly volatile. Our current trajectory looks perilous."...


Among comments to massive NY Times lie:

"Dr Norman Page, Houston

Why does the NYT continue to blatantly lie to their readers. Even Pachauri now admits that there has been no net warming since 1997 yet you say "The Earth’s average surface temperature continues to climb"

The SST data is the best metric for Global temperature- check the official noaa data.
Their has been no net warming since 1997 with CO2 up 8% and the earth has been in a cooling trend since 2003 which will likely continue until 2030 and may well go on for hundreds of years . For links to the data and papers supporting this see "Its the Sun Stupid - the minor significance of CO2 " at

The NYT long ago lost all credibility on this matter - as the earth obstinately refuses to warm you should at some point re-evaluate your editorial position to avoid looking silly.
Feb. 25, 2013 at 3:10 p.m"


"Dr Norman Page, Houston


Coal mining "more lucrative for Zetas than selling drugs."

 11/17/12, "Mexican druglords strike gold in coal," AFP via Gloucester City


News of US CO2 plunge has been described as:


UN IPCC Chief and UK Met Office say global warming change has stopped: 
2/21/13, "IPCC Head Pachauri Acknowledges Global Warming Standstill," The Australian, Graham Lloyd


The climate industry has controlled the US government for over two decades thanks to George Bush #1, but we need much more they say. Not that CO2 danger ever existed to begin with, but "US policy" re climate is completely irrelevant. The rest of the world is using more coal and going about their business. The non-existent GOP is the biggest enemy of this country today.

1/31/13, "The Growing Irrelevance of U.S. Climate Policy," Marlo Lewis,

"Today’s Climatewire (subscription required) summarizes data and projections from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA) from which we may conclude that EPA regulation of greenhouse gases (GHGs) is increasingly irrelevant to global climate change even if one accepts agency’s view of climate science.

Basically, it all comes down to the fact that China’s huge and increasing coal consumption overwhelms any reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions the EPA might achieve."...


Ed. note: The US government hasn't had a leader in over 2 decades. The country has been abandoned in a junk yard for anyone to pick over, kick around, and laugh at. Imaginary man-caused climate change is the most vicious crime against humanity in history.

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