Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Marco Rubio would have defeated Obama-Mark Levin

2/12/13, "Rubio response.The best response to a state of the union I've ever seen. He would have defeated Obama."


GOP establishment geniuses endorsed Charlie Crist over Marco Rubio:

5/3/2009, "NRSC endorses Crist," Politico

"The National Republican Senatorial Committee will be endorsing Crist, according to a senior Hill operative, marking the first time it has taken sides (for a non-incumbent) in a competitive GOP primary this election cycle.

NRSC chairman John Cornyn made the endorsement official this morning, casting Crist as the most electable candidate to hold the seat for the GOP.

"While I believe Marco Rubio has a very bright future within the Republican Party, Charlie Crist is the best candidate in 2010 to ensure that we maintain the checks and balances that Floridians deserve in the United States Senate," Cornyn said in a statement....

The committee’s decision will make it tougher for former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio to raise money against Crist, given that the party has given the governor its stamp of approval. Rubio has won support from Florida conservatives and has a base in the Cuban-American community, but will need to raise a significant amount of money to credibly compete against Crist in the primary."... 


5/3/2009, "In shift, John Cornyn endorses Charlie Crist," Politico

"A week after saying he wasn’t taking sides in the high-profile GOP primary in the Sunshine State, Cornyn, the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, endorsed Florida Gov. Charlie Crist. Retiring Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) is also backing Crist.

In an interview with POLITICO, Cornyn acknowledged his change of thinking and said it was driven by the political reality that Crist is the strongest Republican nominee to keep the seat in GOP hands.

Crist is facing a primary challenge from former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio, who is running as a conservative alternative to the governor.

I think it’s fair to say there was a consolidation of support both within the state and here,” Cornyn said. “Charlie Crist is the candidate with the best chance to win.”"...


Mitt Romney and the GOP Governors gave Crist $1 million in 2006:

8/27/12, "Charlie Crist to speak at Democratic National Convention," AP via Tampa Bay online

"In 2006, Romney, then the Massachusetts governor, gave Crist a $1 million check from the Republican Governors Association to help Crist's gubernatorial campaign."...  


Bob Dole gave Crist $1000 AFTER Crist left the GOP and was running AGAINST Marco Rubio:

8/16/10, "Why did Bob Dole contribute to Charlie Crist’s campaign last week?" SF Examiner staff

"Charlie Crist left the Republican Party in April. In August, however, former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole — now a health-care lobbyist — cut Crist a $1,000 check to finance his Senate race against Republican nominee Marco Rubio.

See the FEC image below."




Ed. note: So who has the problem picking winners?

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