Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Parasitic UK Guardian body snatchers anxious to convert last holdout, the jewel in the crown of the trillion dollar climate mob, say US must get 'carbon tax' for 'dramatic geopolitical impact'

UK Guardian won't rest til it gets 300 million Americans chained to the organized crime infested 'climate' mob  by enacting a 'carbon tax.' Their Dec. 2012 article is a combination of pep talk and mental illness. They say the "vital point is that a price on carbon in the US will have a dramatic geopolitical impact."...

12/1/12, "America's carbon tax offers a lesson to the rest of the planet on fighting climate change," UK Guardian, Henry Porter

"But the lobbyists don't have much time, if this is to be part of the budget deal, and it is now well understood that $500bn in budget cuts represents about a million American jobs....

The vital point is that a price on carbon in the US will have a dramatic geopolitical impact....

 With a settled carbon price in the US, countries with half the world's GDP will be working in a more or less consistent direction.   

America will look amazingly good compared to the shambolic arrangements in Europe and downright saintly compared to China.

Yet we have to understand that none of this may be enough and that our attitudes to energy saving, social equity, personal consumption and endless growth may have to change to prevent global temperatures rising by that supremely destructive 4C."


  • everyone else thinks has never felt so cool....The good news is, as in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, there are still a few hold-outs....
But it’s awfully late in the day. The end is near, we face the final curtain, and it’s an open question whether the spirit...can triumph over the soporific, sophomoric,

self-flattering conformism:
Groupthink compliance has never felt so right!"


Ed. note: The US leads the world in CO2 reduction. There is no such thing as "America's carbon tax" contrary to the UK Guardian headline. If the UK Guardian wanted to be helpful it could focus on some of the UK's own problems such as its own CO2, its NHS, the EU or its pathetic monarch. It's monumentally sick for the UK Guardian to be microscopically analyzing US "attitudes," "social equity" and "personal consumption" with the suggestion that we might not measure up to their presumed moral superiority.

For the UK Guardian's information, US government intervention in climate matters was mandated 22 years ago:

Global Warming ‘action’ was institutionalized in US government in 1990 by George Bush the 1st via the “U.S. Global Change Research Act of 1990.CO2 reduction is mentioned near the end in Section 204, #4. Also that year the U.S. began emissions trading "to control environmental problems." (p. 2)

Devoting 13 federal agencies to ‘climate' is probably too much  'climate action.'  

Billions have been taken from US taxpayers for 'climate' via agency budget allocations, tax subsidies, diversion of US military to climate or green projects, countless federal regulations, vast sums shipped out in foreign aid for no-strings ‘climate’ endeavors.

In November 2012 US 'climate action' included giving $6 billion US taxpayer dollars to the Sultan of Brunei who owns 5000+ cars and the Pres. of Indonesia, a country so corrupt even the World Bank says crime adds 20% to costs. Below, one of the Sultan's cars:

This may be an example of "social equity" the UK Guardian says Americans must learn. (end of article)

7/24/12, "The Sultan's Cars," wheel to wheel blog.


6/4/12, “Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage

“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord.”…


4/21/12, "Why [CO2] Emissions Are Declining in the U.S. But Not in Europe," by Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus,

"As we note below in a new article for Yale360, a funny thing happened: U.S. emissions started going down in 2005 and are expected to decline further over the next decade."...


 1/23/11, "Europe's $287 billion carbon 'waste': UBS report," The Australian, by Sid Maher

"SWISS banking giant UBS says the European Union's emissions trading scheme has cost the continent's consumers $287 billion for "almost zero impact" on cutting carbon emissions."...EU CO2 trading provided "windfall profits" to participants paid for by "electricity customers.""


Organized crime happy with Europe CO2 trading:

2/1/2011, "Austria Asks Sweden to Return Carbon Permits Worth $3.9 Million," Bloomberg,

"Organized crime may be responsible for theft of European Union emission allowances this month, and national authorities are working with Europol...a top EU climate official said." Sweden admits it has Austria's stolen 'carbon credits' but says it might just be 'a coincidence.'"  


12/13/12, "Four Deutsche Bank employees jailed on Thursday," Reuters

For carbon tax fraud.


12/12/12, "Deutsche Bank co-CEO drawn into C02 tax evasion probe," Reuters

"Around 500 police and tax inspectors raided Deutsche Bank, arresting five staff in a probe linked to a tax scam involving the trading of carbon permits."...


5/30/11, "Exclusive: EU energy plan threatens carbon billions," Reuters, Pete Harrison

"The Europe Union's carbon market could be flooded with excess pollution permits over the next decade, cutting prices in half and depriving governments of billions in budgeted revenues, EU sources say.

"There's a real concern of negative impacts on prices if the issue is not properly addressed," one EU source said on condition of anonymity. "Some of the studies imply that carbon prices will collapse."

It is not clear, however, whether European governments will support measures that would erode carbon prices, which would put a severe dent in budgeted government revenues in 2013-2020."...


UN environmental consultant says fraud in UN carbon trading can't be fixed, is interwoven in too many public and private sector jobs including the World Bank and the UN. And, "there is
nobody in that world that is critical of the process because they are all making their living off it.”"...
10/12/10, "A carbon trading system draws environmental skeptics," New York Times, Patricia Brett


12/1/10, "EU Carbon permits missing from registry due to (computer) virus," Reuters, Nina Chestney

"One million European carbon permits (valued at $19.54 million US) have gone missing from the Romanian subsidiary of cement company Holcim's (HOLN.VX) emissions registry account due to a computer virus,
the EU Commission said on Wednesday."... 


2/21/11, "Green economy needs 2% of every nation's income, says UN," UK Guardian, Fiona Harvey


7/16/10, "Carbon Trading Used as Money-Laundering Front," Jakarta Globe


10/8/10, "Murder on the Carbon Express: Interpol Takes On Emissions Fraud," Mother Jones, M. Schapiro


12/10/09, "$7.4 billion lost from carbon trading fraud in Europe." NY Times Green blog


12/28/10, "Europol Arrests More Than 100 In Carbon Trading Fraud," P. Gosselin, NoTricksZone

"Massive fraud involving criminal networks / Middle East"...

"Here’s more proof that trading of CO2 emission certificates is fraught with fraud and attracts seedy criminal organizations – all costing the consumers and taxpayers billions. 

Worse yet, it has spread out of control and appears that the authorities can’t keep up."...



All images from original film "Invasion of the Body Snatchers." Kevin McCarthy dodging cars from McCarthy and Dana Wynter from imdb. People find out they're to be replaced by emotionless duplicates.


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