Saturday, January 19, 2013

US taxpayers likely paid for weapons that killed 2 more Americans in Al Qaeda attack in Algeria, terrorists said to be from Libya, well financed and armed with the best weapons courtesy of the US taxpayer

1/19/13, "Algerian assault ends crisis, 19 hostages dead," AP

"The latest deaths bring the official Algerian tally of dead to 19 hostages and 29 militants, although reports on the number of dead, injured and freed have been contradictory throughout the crisis.
The militants attacked the plant Wednesday morning. They crept across the border from Libya, 60 miles (100 kilometers) away, 

and fell on a pair of buses taking foreign workers to the airport. 

The buses' military escort drove off the attackers in a blaze of gunfire that sent bullets zinging over the heads of crouching workers. A Briton and an Algerian - probably a security guard - were killed.

Frustrated, the militants turned to the vast gas complex, divided between the workers' living quarters and the refinery itself, and seized hostages, the Algerian government said....

In their final communications, the militants said they were holding seven hostages: three Belgian, two Americans, a Japanese and a Briton. They had threatened to kill them if the Algerian army attacked....

The standoff has put the spotlight on al-Qaida-linked groups that roam remote areas of the Sahara, threatening vital infrastructure and energy interests. The militants initially said their operation was intended to stop a French attack on Islamist militants in neighboring Mali - though they later said it was two months in the planning, long before the French intervention.

The accounts of hostages who escaped the complex highlight the cavalier attitude toward their lives taken by both kidnappers and the military....

The militants placed "an explosive cord" around their necks and were told it would detonate if they tried to run away, he said."...via Free Republic


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