Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Missing Breitbart. Breibart was one of few reasons any Republican had a ghost of a chance, especially one, Romney, we now find loathed the whole idea of running for president

1/1/13, "Missing Breitbart," Tom Blumer, PJMedia

"I could not help but wonder whether November’s presidential election might have turned out differently if Andrew had not died on March 1....

Breitbart is one of the main reasons why a Republican candidate, and especially one who we have since learned really didn’t want to run for the office, even had a ghost of a chance against Obama.... 

What Breitbart understood, and what all too many establishment Republicans and even conservatives don’t, is that there is no accommodating the left, and there is no hope of receiving fair treatment 

from the left-dominated establishment press. 

The left is hellbent on fundamentally transforming the country into a socialist utopia which has never succeeded anywhere it has been tried, and the press is determined to help them do that. Folks, no matter what you do, they’re going to hate you 

(and hate is the right word).

So you might as well do the right thing and follow your beliefs and principles (John “Plan B” Boehner, please note)....

Despite all the establishment press hype about Barack Obama’s “convincing” victory, the fact remains that he won with a smaller percentage of the popular vote (50.6%) than every successful incumbent in the past century except three, all Democrats who failed to achieve popular vote majorities: Bill Clinton in 1996, the second time he won with only a minority of the popular vote; Harry Truman in 1948 in a four-way race; and Woodrow Wilson in 1916.  

Fewer than 200,000 switched votes in four battleground states 

would have changed November’s outcome 

to a Romney win....

This country now has a government headed by the most radical president in U.S. history, one with the worst economic record since Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal extended the Great Depression by eight years. He nevertheless won reelection largely because his opponent conceded too much ground 

and wouldn’t fight hard enough for what remained.

Barack Obama and the left believe they have only just begun. Sensible, Constitution-anchored conservatives need to start acting as an army of Breitbarts." ....via Lucianne


image via Legal Insurrection


Ed. note: Andrew was our only hope. With Andrew, those of us in the Silent Majority found out for a few brief, shining moments what it felt like to be heard.


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