Thursday, January 31, 2013

Europe says bloggers have too much freedom, need to be monitored. German blogger says US Democrats will drool when they hear of this and write it up in the US

"Today’s totalitarian ideas are always disguised as righteous plans to ensure “fairness” and “social justice” and they often start in Europe. Then the US Democrats drool over them and scheme to sneak them into the US.

The latest in Europe is to take much more control over the media. German flagship daily the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has a piece called: EU Advisers Wish To Monitor Media More Strictly. Hat-tip: To what extent this will impact blogs, I have no idea.

A group of EU Commission advisers say, “Europe’s freedom of the press is in danger” and so Europe has to act. Right!

The advisers are calling for stricter state monitoring of the media. According to the FAZ, the group says, “Some media outlets should be financially supported.” And others not?

Anyone living in Europe following the media to any extent knows that Europe’s traditional mainstream leftist media are in dire straits. A number of center-left dailies have recently bitten the dust, and so we suppose they are now looking for generous handouts. 

The FAZ writes that stricter monitoring by the EU state would “ensure pluralism and quality”. The group of advisors proposes that the “European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights should monitor freedom of the press and free speech in member states”. You see, today there are media outlets out there who feel their rights to free speech are being infringed because citizens are no longer interested in paying for their crap. Now the government should force citizens to pay for crap that nobody wants - through subsidies.

The advisors also say an “independent monitoring agency“ made up of scientists could be set up. The advisers say that 

“more pluralism must be achieved,  

especially in the online media“.

The advisory group is hardly made up of lightweight bureaucrats. It includes former German Justice Minister Herta Däubler-Gmelin (who once compared President George W. Bush to Hitler) and Latvia former President Varia Vike-Freiberga. Däubler-Gmelin for example is calling on Europe to require its member states to have “independent media panels that would impose fines, force counter views, or revoke media licenses”, and to make sure these member-state media panels “abide to European values”. Sounds like free-speech policing to me.

The advisers believe that “freedom of the press is threatened by political powers, excessive commercial power, new business models, changing media landscape and the rise of new media.”

The FAZ writes:
One particularly large problem the advisers find is the creeping loss of quality in reporting, as Ms. Vike-Freiberga showed. Among other things, it arises from the new media like in the Internet where anyone is allowed to disseminate information. “For this reason the group also proposes that it is also essential for the state to support unprofitable media are essential.”
The panels also says that media should comply to a code of conduct and guidelines for publishing.
So, will Obama try again to push through the Fairness Act in USA? Don’t be surprised if he does."

6 comments to Mr. Gosselin's post:

"Ed Caryl

For the left, it is always the exact opposite of what they say it is. Remember Orwell."




23. Januar 2013 at 07:01 |
The next step will be to apply the same principle to freedom of speech: “Europe’s freedom of speech is in danger”, we (the EU elite) must define what can be said."



Children in school can be bullied and tormented on line if they dare to question the teacher. Then there are the individuals who are reportedly paid to go on line and rip apart all opposition

American politics has become rule by bullies using whatever tools available."


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