Wednesday, December 12, 2012

You could not make it up, RNC 'fix-it' committee hires 2 Bush cronies

12/12/12, "The RNC’s Fix-It Committee," an NRO interview 

"Reince Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, spoke to NRO yesterday morning about the committee’s new Growth and Opportunity Project, which is led by a five-member panel that will review the operations and strategies of the RNC and Republican party as a whole. The members of that panel are 

Sally Bradshaw, a veteran adviser to former Florida governor Jeb Bush; 

Ari Fleischer, former press secretary for President George W. Bush; 

and three RNC committee members — Zori Fonalledas of Puerto Rico, Henry Barbour of Mississippi, and Glenn McCall of South Carolina."...


2/11, "Haley Barbour’s nephew and close adviser, Mississippi lobbyist Henry Barbour, was instrumental in ousting former RNC chairman Michael Steele and pushing the successful candidacy of Reince Priebus as the new chairman of the RNC."...


Ed. note: I agree with this commenter:

"To: SoFloFreeper

"I've come to have nothing but contempt and hatred
for the republican party,
exceeded only by my contempt and hatred for the demonrat party.

Since high school, I've watched Nixon resign in disgrace; Ford be ineffective and become a target for satire and laughter; Carter damn near destroy the country, and finally, Reagan comes along and undid some of the damage and set the stage for continued improvement. Hallelujah!
Since Reagan, I've watched Bush the elder systematically dismantle Reagan's political and legislative legacy and, perhaps purposefully, lose to Clinton, who then continued what Bush had started, putting us back on the road to socialism; followed by Bush the younger and his Congress, who then finished off any remaining remnants of Reaganism, along with any and all republican claims to fiscal responsibility.

Then, I watched Lame McCain, perhaps purposefully, lose to obama, followed by Romney, perhaps purposefully, losing to obama, running the most pathetic campaign since Dole, perhaps purposefully, lost to Clinton.

It is hard to listen to what republicans claim they stand for when their actions speak so loudly. They don't believe their own words, and even if they do, they appear to be ashamed of such beliefs.

As such, the republicans remove any and all who seem to hold such conservative beliefs from committee positions, despite those members having won overwhelmingly in 2010, giving Boner the power to cave.

From all experience and appearances, republicans are disgusting, poor excuses for political opposition who seemingly go out of their way to lose, perhaps purposefully, since nothing else explains such ineptness.

Maybe it's not being inept? It looks deliberate, over and over again, when they let the demonrats define who they are and NEVER offering a counter argument.
5 posted on Wednesday, December 12, 2012 1:36:51 PM by GBA (Here in the Matrix, life is but a dream.)"
Image above from Free Republic commenter Frank R.


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