Thursday, December 27, 2012

McConnell rides to the rescue on 'cliff', says 'action is on Senate side.' So the House and people who won elections there don't count. Why did we waste time voting?

12/27/12, "Senate Republicans open to new cliff deal," MarketWatch, by Robert Schroeder and Greg Robb

"McConnell said he and House Speaker John Boehner spoke with President Barack Obama on Wednesday night as the president prepared to return to Washington from his Christmas vacation in Hawaii.

“I told the president I would be happy to look at whatever he proposes,” McConnell said, in a brief statement on the Senate floor. 

The action is on the Senate side, and we will see if we can move forward on a bipartisan basis.

We’ll see what the president has to propose — members on both sides of the aisle will review itand then we’ll decide how to proceed,” McConnell said."...via Free Republic

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