Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fascist media such as CNN have finger on the trigger of gun control agenda. If you dare suggest something else like mental health they pull the trigger. You're ridiculed, silenced, in effect you no longer exist

12/15/12, "Media Sets Gun Control Narrative, Shuts Down Mental Health Debate," John Nolte, Breitbart

"As you'll see in the video below, through Soledad O'Brien, CNN is desperate to set the table for policies that will make us less safe by ensuring only bad guys have guns. This is what I call Narrative Setting, where the media decides what The Narrative (our national conversation) will be surrounding a particular story - in this case a heinous school shooting in Connecticut. And how this Narrative Setting is done, is exactly what CNN did to Rep. Mary Bono Mack this morning, every time she attempted to bring up any solution to mass shootings outside of unconstitutional gun-grabbing. Witness the media art of Whack-a-Mole: (video at link)...
Not only are CNN and Soledad making sure Rep. Bono Mack pays a heavy price every time she brings up a solution inconvenient to their agenda (mental health, air marshals); they're also sending a not-too-subtle message to others that this is not what we are going to talk about. In other words, anyone who dares talk about anything other than gun control is going to get publicly whack-a-moled.
You've been warned, conservatives!
Like Rep. Nadler and every other leftist in the country, CNN wants to make our country less safe through the taking of guns, because the overall goal is the same: to make us less self-reliant and more dependent on the government for everything -- including our own personal safety and our ability to protect our loved ones.
But if the media's going to maximize their effectiveness in pursuing this goal, it simply must make sure that no other attractive ideas or policies are discussed or debated, other than gun control. The media must shut down debate and shape The Narrative in a way that makes it appear to the public as though there's only one consensus and solution to this problem -- their solution.
Furthermore, anyone who bristles against this idea will be treated with public contempt and hostility (like Rep. Bono Mack), and as though they're some kind of right-wing nut who doesn’t care about people. We've seen the media do the same with other left-wing crusades; same-sex marriage, abortion, and Global Warming. 
Watch the video again and what you'll see is CNN using Soledad O'Brien to shut down debate as though she already has all the facts. One day after this country's worst tragedy in a decade, CNN is already drawing a line that says this is "settled science."
During the presidential election last month, we saw the media play this same whack-a-mole game with Libya. Whether it was Mitt Romney or anyone else, if you raised the subject of Libya in a way that was harmful to the media's agenda (reelecting Obama), you were pulverized..
Today the craven and opportunistic media sees an opportunity to further a different agenda.
But their fascist tactics remain the same." via Free Republic
Ed. note: The left is incapable of defending its views. Its only defense is to silence those who dare oppose them. Remember when 'freedom of speech' was championed by the left?


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