Saturday, December 1, 2012

Congress addresses lack of federal weather warning about Sandy. In Russia, 3 were arrested in July for failing to warn of bad weather

7/22/12, "Officials in southern Russia held over floods," BBC

"Russian police have arrested three officials...accused of failing to warn residents of disastrous flooding earlier this month."...

11/29/12, "Why weren't hurricane warnings issued for Sandy?" USA Today, Doyle Rice

"What would normally be of interest only to weather geeks — the fact that Superstorm Sandy probably made landfall last month as a "post-tropical cyclone" rather than as a hurricane — is feeding a controversy over why government agencies issued no hurricane warnings.

The hullabaloo involves the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Science, Space and Technology and the highest levels of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

NOAA is the agency that oversees the National Hurricane Center and the National Weather Service.

Since Sandy wasn't forecast to hit land as a hurricane, the hurricane center did not issue its usual hurricane watches and warnings as the storm approached the coast, instead relying on several local weather service offices to issue "high wind warnings," "coastal flood warnings" and other watches and warnings."...via Instapundit


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