Billionaire CO2 profiteer Mike Bloomberg has 10,000 employees at Bloomberg LP enabling him to sell CO2 terror around the clock. Too bad Rep. Joe Barton is unaware US CO2 has plunged drastically and is no longer a danger.
12/12/12, "Defeated Republican Preaches Heresy Backing a Carbon Tax," Bloomberg, Drajem
"“It’s not going anywhere,” Texas Republican Joe Barton,
the former chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee,
said, when asked about Inglis and the carbon tax. “We agree
that carbon-dioxide levels are going up. What we don’t agree on
is that carbon-dioxide levels are going up because of man.”
Carbon-dioxide emissions since the Industrial Revolution
have led to a warming of the Earth’s temperature over the past
50 years, threatening to cause extreme weather, drought and
coastal flooding, according to the U.S. Global Change Research
Program."...(item under subhead, 'Worst Commercial')
"“Party affiliation is the single most important way to
expect divergences” in views about climate change and policies
to address it, said Barry Rabe, who conducted polling on these
issues for the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the
University of Michigan."...(item under subhead, 'Above Average')
Experts say US CO2 emissions have dropped so much they expect US energy
policy to change to reflect less alarm over CO2:
8/16/12, “AP IMPACT: CO2 emissions in US drop to 20-year low,” AP, Kevin Begos
“In a surprising turnaround, the amount of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere in the U.S. has fallen dramatically to its lowest level in 20 years,
and government officials say the biggest reason is that cheap and
plentiful natural gas has led many power plant operators to switch from
dirtier-burning coal.
Many of the world’s leading climate scientists didn’t see the drop coming,
in large part because it happened as a result of market forces rather
than direct government action against carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas
that traps heat in the atmosphere.
Michael Mann, director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, said the shift away from coal is reason for “cautious optimism” about potential ways to deal with climate change….
In a little-noticed technical report, the U.S. Energy Information Agency,
a part of the Energy Department, said this month that energy related
U.S. CO2 emissions for the first four months of this year fell to about 1992 levels. Energy emissions make up about 98 percent of the total. The Associated Press contacted environmental experts, scientists and utility companies and learned that virtually everyone believes the shift
could have major long-term implications for U.S. energy policy.”…
More on plunging US CO2 emissions:
6/29/12, “US Carbon Output Forecasts Shrink Again,” American Interest, Walter Russell Mead
6/4/12, “Climate change stunner: USA leads world in CO2 cuts since 2006,” Vancouver Observer, Saxifrage
“Not only that, but as my top chart shows, US CO2 emissions are falling even faster than what President Obama pledged in the global Copenhagen Accord.”…
4/21/12, “Why [CO2] Emissions Are Declining in the U.S. But Not in Europe,” by Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, newgeography.com
“As we note below in a new article for Yale360, a funny thing happened: U.S. emissions started going down in 2005 and are expected to decline further over the next decade.”
12/7/12, "Surprise Side Effect Of Shale Gas Boom: A Plunge In U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions," Forbes, by Julie M. Carey, energy economist with Navigant Economics
12/7/12, "The Media Mogul Protection Racket," M. Continetti, Washington Free Beacon
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