Friday, November 23, 2012

Now that Obama’s safely ‘re-elected’ rampant vote fraud comes tumbling out, they’ll ‘ferret out” the fraud you bet, after the damage has been irrevocably done and men died for nothing

Calling people 'racist' works! Mob rule works! It wins elections that might not be won otherwise. Nothing will happen other than ‘vows’ to ‘ferret out’ wrongdoers.

11/21/12, “Schultz expects more voter fraud arrests in Iowa,” AP, David Pitt

Des Moines, Iowa: Iowa’s top elections administrator is vowing to continue to ferret out fraud and to push lawmakers for a voter ID law.

Secretary of State Matt Schultz says the voter fraud cases resulting in arrests so far
  • are only the beginning.
Three more cases involving a Bosnian citizen living in Clive and two Canadians who were living in Shenandoah were announced on Wednesday. They are charged with election fraud for registering
and voting in Iowa without U.S. citizenship.

Two Canadian citizens and
  • a citizen of Mexico and
  • two convicted felons
who allegedly registered to vote also have been charged.

Schultz says it’s likely more arrests will come as the Iowa Criminal Investigation Division works through a list of more than 1,200 people he believes registered to vote without citizenship.via Free Republic


among comments:


Sgt Schultz will arrest? And then what? An election re-do like we forced the Ukraine a few years back? Yes, WE did, dude! But never here in this paradise of perfection!”


Which explains the tantrum they threw over the citizenship question that was on Michigan ballot applications till just a few weeks before the election.”


The consequences of a government not securing a country’s borders is that a people will lose their country as we are now losing ours to an invasion of illegal immigrants. The consequences of not securing a country’s electoral processes to prevent voter fraud is the country will lose its freedom to a Thugocracy as we have lost ours to a Chicago mob run Coup d’état.”


Ed. note: The left always wins if only because the right can't stand up to bullies. The left has been willing to invest the time, energy, and personnel spanning generations to destroy ordinary Americans. The left screams that vote fraud doesn't exist and only racists want voter ID. Mass media supports the bullies. The right knows they'd be ganged up on in the media so they won't fight. The airwaves are filled 24/7 with charges of racism and hate against innocent Americans. Endless lawsuits are filed to make sure voting stays fraudulent. I saw a guy on Democracy Now a month or two ago whining to Amy Goodman, practically in tears, swearing up and down there is no such thing as vote fraud, that he was just over “at the Brennan Center” and they said there was maybe only 1 case of voter fraud in the past decade. The US is under mob rule by any definition. Bullying works.


NY City voting has been a sham for decades .

11/19/12, "New York City Board of Elections: Unlucky or Incompetent?", Nick Powell

"In the aftermath of another Election Day riddled with problems, yet again a chorus of catcalls deriding the New York City Board of Elections is ringing through the five boroughs....

Elections Commissioner Juan Carlos “J.C.” Polanco insisted during the week between Sandy and Election Day that the board was coordinating with Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Gov. Andrew Cuomo, working around the clock to determine new polling sites for displaced voters, but he acknowledged the board was having difficulty overseeing a staff that was fragmented in the wake of the storm.

What ended up ensuing on Election Day verged on chaos....Reports circulated throughout the day of polling sites with broken voting scanners or no scanners at all, and instances of poorly trained election workers rejecting valid affidavit ballots from voters. Other poll workers were visibly overtaxed, with many running around trying to organize lines at polling stations, or soliciting information from voters before they entered the voting room in an attempt to speed the process....

Some even held Gov. Cuomo accountable for waiting until the eve of the election before signing an executive order allowing displaced New Yorkers to cast affidavit ballots at any polling location in the city, a decision that swelled polling sites with voters and was likely a factor in the ensuing confusion.

But even election districts that were not affected by Sandy had similar issues...

“The Board of Elections worked really hard to do what they could,” City Councilwoman Gale Brewer said. “But in my district we had the same issues and not one iota of a hurricane problem, so [the difficulties] are systemic.”"...


Among comments to 2012 NYC voting:


CM Colon

"INCOMPETENT. I can at least attest to the Brooklyn offices on Adams Street. I was a poll worker for three years and from day one it was a sham. You had to "know people" who knew people to get the district leaders (unpaid and all about fulfilling favors) to put you on the list of people they knew would be in favor of their agendas. THEN you went down for training where answers are yelled out, put on pieces of paper and thrown around as if we were in some detention room after school. The day of it was the sheep leading the sheep as the poll coordinators are so ENTRENCHED they wouldn't understand what propositions were. 

IN BROOKLYN they instructed ignorant poll workers to LOOK AT every ballot - ILLEGAL!!!  

To instruct anyone who didn't vote down ONE party line that their ballots were incorrect - ALSO ILLEGAL.

Complaints were made but feedback and call backs were not given. Disgusting. Travesty. Whole system needs an overhaul but more than that, the office needs to get rid of EVERY ONE and people with real skills need to be hired."



"Why is this even a question? The Board of Elections has proven its incompetence over decades. This year's election was made worse by Sandy and, by the fact that this was the first Presidential election with the new machines which the workers clearly were not prepared to handle with a full allotment of voters present. The former was out of the Board's control; the latter was totally within its control."


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