Tuesday, November 27, 2012

One UN agency, UNDP, employs hundreds of millionaires

10/24/12, “Want to Make Millions? Try Working for the United Nations,” Front Page Mag., Daniel Greenfield

Forget big banks and the corporate life. There’s no money in those things anymore. The private sector is so 1992. But the public sector, especially the United Nations is booming.

The United Nations Development Programme is supposed to give the developing world a leg up. Instead it’s rather clear that working for the UNDP is a fast ticket to a fat bank account. Internal statistics at the UNDP show 637 millionaires work for the organization

Another 1041 UNDP staffers have home loans between 850,000 to 1.5 million dollars.
These statistics come from UNFCU, another of the UN’s endless alphabet members, but the UNFCU is the UN employee credit union. It holds 3.5 billion dollars in assets making it the 28th largest Federal credit union in the United States. That’s a small sample of 

what a booming business the United Nations really is.”

Ed. note: I didn't see a link to a source substantiating the number of millionaires, but thought the idea of the UN credit union was interesting.

Added: UN personnel are above all laws, can't be prosecuted for any crime civilly or criminally, even genocide. As per following:

4/16/09,Federal prosecutors in New York City were forced to drop criminal and civil cases because the U.N. officials have immunity,”…The Afghanistan country director for the U.N. Office for Project Services (UNOPS), which served as the contractor on the project for the U.N. Development Program (UNDP)

spent about $200,000 

in U.S. money to renovate his guesthouse. 

Witness names were withheld by USAID.”

4/16/09, “Report: U.N. spent U.S. funds on shoddy projects,” USA Today, Ken Dilanian

Do UN “agencies have immunity if they siphon (their U.S. grants) all off into Swiss banks? Is that accurate? They will be totally immune, no matter what they do with the money?” “My understanding is, yes, Gambatesa replied. (near end of article)


UN personnel charged with genocide could not be punished:

3/30/10, “UN immune from criminal prosecution. Did you know?“ SciForums

MrsLucySnowe: The international court of justice has denied allowing women from Srebrenica from suing the UN for their responsibility in the Bosnian massacre.

Srebrenica Relatives of Bosnian Muslims killed in Europe’s worst massacre since World War II lost another round Tuesday in their attempt to sue the United Nations for responsibility. The Hague Appeals Court upheld a 2008 lower court ruling
  • affirming U.N. immunity from prosecution.
“The immunity from prosecution guarantees that the U.N. is not thwarted in the execution of its duties as a result of court cases being instigated against it, possibly for no other reason than to frustrate the U.N.’s work,” the court said. “It is in the best public interest that the U.N. can avail itself of its duties untroubled.”

Some 8,000 men were murdered in July 1995 by Serb forces who overran Srebrenica, which had been declared a U.N. safe zone for the Muslim civilians in the Bosnian enclave.

The Dutch U.N. peacekeepers protecting the enclave were undermanned and outgunned, and failed to intervene. 

International courts have ruled the slayings were a genocide.”


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