Republicans have no values except they want to be liked by Democrats. Democrats, as Hillary Clinton stated in 2003, are proud of their values and are outraged at the suggestion that they should capitulate to an administration.
11/14/12, “Gov. Rick Scott wants to talk health care exchanges,” AP via Tampa Bay Times
Gov. Rick Scott, one of the most vocal critics of the federal health
care overhaul, is dropping his staunch opposition to the law.
Scott said in an interview Tuesday with the Associated Press that he now wants to negotiate with the federal government. He said it’s time for Republicans to offer solutions to help families after they lost their bid to defeat President Barack Obama.
“The election is over and President Obama won,” Scott said. “I’m responsible for the families of Florida. … If I can get to yes, I want to get to yes.”
Scott had previously stated that he would not go along with any parts of the health care overhaul that the state controls.
But his newfound willingness to have a “conversation” about putting it in place in Florida comes at a critical time. States have until Friday to notify federal authorities whether they
plan to set up health insurance exchanges,a marketplace where
individuals and small businesses can shop for the most affordable
coverage and where many will get help from the government to pay their
premiums. Florida so far has taken no steps to set up its own exchange.
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced an extension last week: Governors can now take another month, until mid December, to submit detailed blueprints.
States now have three options: running their own exchanges, operating
an exchange in partnership with the federal health officials, or
letting the feds handle everything.
Scott said he still has concerns about the exchanges, including the
cost of running one and whether it would increase the cost of health
care for families. “I don’t think anyone involved in trying to improve health care should say ‘no, no, no,‘ ” he said. “Let’s have a conversation.”
Florida had the nation’s third-highest rate of residents without
health insurance the past three years, according to census data.” via
Free Republic
Hillary Clinton in 2003: "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you
disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic. We
should stand up and say we are Americans and we have a right to debate
and disagree with any administration."
Ed. note: Gov. Scott's use of the cliche that it's time to offer "solutions" smells of greasy Jeb Bush who was so "popular" he couldn't even deliver the state of Florida to his brother in 2000. It's also insulting. We the people aren't the ones who wrecked this country but we're being told we have to take our medicine. Jeb Bush is especially enamored of reaming us out. Obama did and will continue to do the exact opposite of what has been needed. The door was opened for Obama and the radical left by the establishment GOP selling us out. Lifetimes of work and sacrifice have been trashed by both parties. No one has apologized to us, instead we have hack Jeb Bush walking around like his family hasn't already destroyed us enough. As you may know, the Bush crowd thinks they're still in charge and they will be damned if they'll let us save the GOP or the country.
Rick Scott you've revealed your true self. It' s probably a waste of time, but I beg you, do not buy into the fraud Jeb Bush or any of his hideous family. According to this article, you're telling 57 million of us who didn't vote for Obama we have no one to represent us. No Governors, no Senators, no Congressmen. Don't all elections count? Doesn't your election still count? The Republican Party is of course dead, wants to be left alone. So we're out here looking for other ways to save this country. Gov. Scott, my wish for the remainder of your time in office is that you avoid referring to the Republican Party. I'm switching my registration to Independent in NY State. I may vote Republican but you have to be nuts to be registered as one anymore. Just a suggestion, use the word 'alternative' instead of the word 'solution.' Thanks.
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