Tuesday, November 27, 2012

GOP estab. today believes in big gov. and is skeptical of the people, the opposite of what Ronald Reagan believed. After Reagan left office GOP estab. reasserted control but only won popular vote once in last 6 elections-Rasmussen

11/23/12, "Respecting Voters Matters More Than Policy," Scott Rasmussen,

"The Republican Party has won a majority of the popular vote just once in the last six elections. That dismal track record followed a party revival in the 1980s, when Ronald Reagan led the GOP to three straight popular vote majorities.

To understand what went wrong, it's important to remember Reagan was an insurgent candidate who defeated the Republican establishment of his era.  

When Reagan left office, however, the old establishment reasserted control. 

They consistently nominated candidates for president who opposed Reagan in 1980 

and consistently lost elections.

The difference is that Ronald Reagan believed in the American people and was skeptical of government.  
Today's Republican establishment believes in government and is skeptical of the American people. 

That's why most Republican voters today believe the party is out of touch with the base."...via Free Republic


Ed. note: Today's GOP establishment is of course the Bush crowd, especially Jeb Bush, Karl Rove, Fox News. Jeb Bush is openly contemptuous of we the people. The media believes the same thing the Bush crowd believes, which is that big gov. is good and right of center Americans must be silent. The NY Times and others are making sure Jeb Bush gets all the publicity, takes all the oxygen away, to ensure we the people don't have a voice in promoting the kind of candidate we need to save this country. Rush Limbaugh has said several times that the Bush crowd brutally and loudly opposed Ronald Reagan's ascension and election. Others have said Reagan's biggest mistake was choosing his critic George Bush to be vp.


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