Tuesday, October 30, 2012

‘We endorse Romney because he, unlike Obama, understands jobs are a creation of business, not of government….At a time when the economy was wracked, Obama chose instead to focus on health care reform…chose early on to fight with Congress rather than to work with it.’

Endorsed Obama in 2008, endorsing Romney in 2012

10/28/12, “Endorsement: The case for Mitt Romney for president,” Chicago Daily Herald Editorial

Ultimately, we endorse Romney because he, unlike Obama, understands that jobs are a creation of business, not of government. And that to encourage job growth, we need policies that incent business to grow and provide it with a stable environment for that growth.

In the end, we need moderation, not ideology, to facilitate an economic recovery. It is the central issue that affects us all….

Obama cannot escape the burden of his share of culpability.

At a time when the economy was wracked, he chose instead to focus on health care reform. In doing so, his administration chose early on to fight with Congress rather than to work with it. He chose to force his landmark health care bill through Congress without a single Republican vote, significantly contributing to the bitter atmosphere of division in Washington.

His economic initiatives have been heavily bent toward the public sector, a big spending approach that has been aptly derided by Romney as “trickle-down government.”

And however well intended his belief that the Bush tax cuts should be ended for upper-income brackets, his $250,000 benchmark has been remarkably low, as many two-income families and small business owners and others in the suburbs can attest.

More pointedly, we are disappointed in the tone of Obama’s relentless insinuations that wealthy Americans refuse to pay their fair share. That tone is divisive and damaging for the nation and for our economy. It creates villains and victims, and unfairly so.”…via Free Republic


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