Monday, October 29, 2012

‘Unbiased media worry that Obama might not be able to exploit Hurricane Sandy sufficiently,’ BBC reporter sees Hurricane as ‘great opportunity’ for Obama, ‘moment of huge importance’

10/29/12, White House press: Aren’t you worried that Mitt Romney will politicize the hurricane?” Charlie Spiering, Washington Examiner

During a weekend press gaggle aboard Air Force One, White House reporters were naturally concerned about Hurricane Sandy and questioned the White House Press staff about the president’s hurricane preparations.

 But one reporter was anxious to know if they were prepared for Mitt Romney.

Are you worried about the possible politicization of the storm response?” the reporter asked. “We’re a week out from the election.  Governor Romney might say something about how you guys are responding to it or going to rallies and that stuff.”

“Well, I don’t want to predict what Governor Romney may or may not say,” Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest answered.”…via Free Republic


10/29/12, Unbiased media worried that Obama might not be able to exploit Hurricane Sandy sufficiently,” Daily Caller

We already knew that’s how they see their role, but it’s nice to have it out in the open.

The MSM is irreparably broken. Fortunately, the Internet was designed to route around damage....

Update: Another one for the Double Standards binder: Twitter users who threatened Romney’s life remain active.”


UK media also keen to help Obama politicize the hurricane.  BBC reporter on its importance to Obama election:One of great opportunity and, if he fails to rise to the occasion, of great peril.”

This was to have been an important, high-energy moment on the first day of the last full week of campaigning. But the double act was robbed of its star attraction….

But, more than that, it puts the spotlight on President Obama as a leader in a time of crisis – both in terms of deeds and words. This is exactly what politics, what being a president, is really all about and, in a country haunted by the spectre of Hurricane Katrina, this is a moment of huge importance for the president.

One of great opportunity and, if he fails to rise to the occasion, of great peril.”


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