Sunday, October 28, 2012

Obama has been sitting on Benghazi attack video for 6 wks., on Oct. 26 Obama lied, said he gives ‘all Benghazi information to the American people and congress as he gets it,’ claims congress is ‘politicizing,’ but it’s Obama who politicizes and lies about brutal American murders and the hours these men fought to stay alive by claiming video is ‘classified’

Obama has been withholding video of Benghazi attack for 6 weeks, won’t allow congress to see it, instead lies and says he's given all information he has. The media will let him lie as long as it takes to get him/themselves re-elected. Two citations below, first Senators demanding they be allowed to see the video. Second, Obama lying in a 10/26 interview about how he gives all the information he has:

10/26/12, “Admin. rejects new claim about Libya attack,AP, Kimberly Dozier

Republican senators demanded that the Obama administration make public the surveillance video taken during and just after the attacks.
Sens. John McCain of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire wrote to the defense secretary, CIA director and attorney general demanding that the video from Sept. 11 and 12 be declassified. Pentagon and CIA officials declined to comment on the senators’ request. Justice Department officials did not respond to requests for comment.” (near end of article)


10/26/12, President Obama Says He Had Not Been Aware of Prior Security Requests from Diplomats in Libya,“ ABC News, Jake Tapper

Obama: “”What we did in this circumstance is as information came in we gave it to the American people and  

as we got new information we gave that to the American people.

And that includes by the way members of American Congress,

so one of the things that always frustrates me about this town is when people go out there and try to politicize issues despite 

knowing that we have given them all this information.”” (parag. 8)


Ed. note: Some have commented on Obama's use of the term “folks” to describe murdered Americans as well as terrorists:

10/26/12, ABC News, “The president said that “I take full responsibility for the fact I sent these folks into harm’s way. I want to make sure that they are always safe and when that doesn’t happen we figure out what happened and make sure it doesn’t happen again.  My biggest priority right now is bringing those folks to justice and I think the American people have seen that is a commitment I always keep.””


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